# # ncdrill_view.txt # COMPOSITE_PAD # # The only DRILL_HOLE_TYPE really wanted is CIRCLE_DRILL. # # Other DRILL_HOLE_TYPE's of OVAL_SLOT and RECTANGLE_SLOT are # included as well though so that we can at least warn of the # existence of slot holes in a design when NCTAPE is run. # # Slot hole types would have their major dimension in DRILL_HOLE_NAME # and their minor dimension in DRILL_HOLE_NAME2. CIRCLE_DRILL types # will simply have DRILL_HOLE_NAME2 set to the same value as in # DRILL_HOLE_NAME. DRILL_HOLE_NONSTANDARD, and multi-drill fields such # DRILL_ARRAY_LOCATIONS do not apply to slot holes. DRILL_FIGURE_ROTATION # for slot holes will contain the rotation to be applied to the slot # hole, with the assumption of 0 degrees being the major dimension # of the slot hole along the X axis. # DRILL_HOLE_TYPE = CIRCLE_DRILL OR DRILL_HOLE_TYPE = OVAL_SLOT OR DRILL_HOLE_TYPE = RECTANGLE_SLOT # DRILL_HOLE_TYPE DRILL_HOLE_NAME # DRILL_HOLE_NAME2 # DRILL_FIGURE_ROTATION DRILL_HOLE_NONSTANDARD DRILL_HOLE_PLATING DRILL_HOLE_POSTOL DRILL_HOLE_NEGTOL DRILL_HOLE_X DRILL_HOLE_Y DRILL_ARRAY_LOCATIONS START_LAYER_NAME END_LAYER_NAME START_LAYER_NUMBER END_LAYER_NUMBER REFDES PIN_NUMBER SYM_X SYM_Y BACKDRILL_TOP_FROM BACKDRILL_TOP_LAYER BACKDRILL_BOTTOM_FROM BACKDRILL_BOTTOM_LAYER DRILL_TOP_NAME DRILL_TOP_NUMBER DRILL_BOTTOM_NAME DRILL_BOTTOM_NUMBER