90 Name Help;;help_end;; ID Name Fragment NameFragment is a local device name. If a remote device requires a local name, a local device replies the local device name;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_NAME_FRAGMENT HCI Baud Rate Index The HCI Baud Rate Index is the baud rate index of the HCI UART.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_HCI_BAUD_RATE_INDEX H/W Flow Control Set this parameter to enable UART H/W flow control(CTS). If MCU not support flow control, this parameter need be set as disable to disable this function. If Operation Pattern choose Manual Pattern, then this parameter will be set as disable.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_CTS_RTS_FLOW_CONTROL Check Rx Data Interval This parameter is used to set Check UART RX Data Interval.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_CHECK_RX_DATA_INTERVAL UART RX_IND Enable / Disable UART RX IND ;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_UART_RX_IND Operation Pattern This parameter is used to set the operation pattern.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_OPERATION_PATTERN Configure Mode Timeout This parameter is used to set BM77 configure mode timeout.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_CONFIGURE_MODE_TIMEOUT Power On Standby Time The standby time duration after power on. device shall enter save power mode when time is up. 0x00~0xFE: Standby time parameters. 0xFF: Disable auto power_off function(enter S2 mode);;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_POWER_ON_STANDBY_TIME Disconnection Standby Time The standby time duration after disconnection. Device shall enter save power mode when time is up. 0x00~0xFE: Standby time parameters. 0xFF: Disable auto power_off function(enter S2 mode);;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_REMOTE_DISCONNECT_STANDBY_TIME Wakeup Externel MCU Wait Time Waiting time duration to wake MCU up.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_WAKEUP_EXTERNAL_MCU_WAIT_TIME Wakeup Pin Option This parameter is used to decide BLEDK3 can be waken up from shutdown mode by wakeup pin or not.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_WAKEUP_PIN_OPTION Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Security This parameter is uesd to set BLE Security.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BLE_SECURITY Trust Device Connection This parameter is used to enable/disable trust (paired) device connection.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_TRUST_DEVICE_CONNECTION IO Capability This parameter is used to config IO Capability;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_IO_CAPABILITY BLE User Confirm Option This parameter is used to enable/disable LE user confirm refer to passkey. And passkey must set 6 digits if enable.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BLE_USER_CONFIRM_OPTION Passkey The Passkey which is six byte ASCII code and be used in passkey confirm.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_PASSKEY LE Secure Connections This parameter is used to enable/disable LE Secure Connections.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_SECURE_CONNECTIONS Link Manager Version This parameter is used to choose Link Manager Version is BT4.0 or BT4.2.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LINK_MANAGER_VERSION Data Length Extension This parameter is used to enable/disable Data Length Extension.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_DATA_LENGTH_EXTENSION eFlash Footprint The 16 ASCII characters for the customers' version control code. The download tool can check by this code and reject to download the eFlash if it's mismatch.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_FOOTPRINT Link Quality Detection Enable/Disable link quality detection. The RF_Tx_Power_Control_feature will be disabled if Enable this parameter.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LINK_QUALITY_DETECTION RSSI Normal Threshold This parameter is used to set RSSI normal threshole value;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_RSSI_NORMAL_THRESHOLD RSSI Weak Threshold This parameter is used to set RSSI weak threshole value;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_RSSI_WEAK_THRESHOLD Battery Detection Interval Thie parameter is uesd to set battery detection interval;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BATTERY_DETECTION High Battery Level High battery level;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_HIGH_BATTERY_LEVEL Normal Battery Level This parameter is defined a normal voltage value of a battery. When the voltage is lower than this value,the device will start low battery warring.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_NORMAL_BATTERY_LEVEL Low Battery Level This parameter is defined a low voltage value of a battery. When the voltage is lower than this value, the device will shutdown.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LOW_BATTERY_LEVEL Dangerous Battery Level Dangerout battery level;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_DANGEROUS_BATTERY_LEVEL Low Battery Into Shutdown Time This parameter is used to set the waiting time befor enter into shutdown mode if low battery happens. (0x00: Disable enter into shutdown mode when low battery happens);;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LOW_BATTERY_INTO_POWER_DOWN_TIME RF Class The RF_Class is the RF class type.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_RF_CLASS P36 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_6;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P36 P10 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_0;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P10 P00 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P0_0;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P00 P31 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_1;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P31 P32 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_2;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P32 P33 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_3;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P33 P34 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_4;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P34 P07 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P0_7;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P07 P11 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_1;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P11 P22 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P2_2;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P22 P24 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P2_4;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P24 P35 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P3_5;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P35 P12 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_2;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P12 P13 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_3;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P13 P16 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_6;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P16 P17 Set the function mapping to the GPIO P1_7;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_P17 RF Active IND MCU Include This parameter is used to choose the indication type of RF active time.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_RF_ACTIVE_IND_MCU_INCLUDE LE Connection Parameter Update Request The LE Connection Setting will be assigned by Remote if select Disable. It will sent update request if select Enable.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_UPDATE Min LE Connection Interval This parameter is used to set LE min connection interval;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_MIN_LE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL Max LE Connection Interval This parameter is used to set LE max connection interval;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_MAX_LE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL LE Slave Latency This parameter is used to set LE slave latency;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_SLAVE_LATENCY LE Supervision Timeout This parameter is used to set LE supervision timeout ;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT LE Fast Advertising Interval This parameter is uesd to set LE fast advertising interval;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_FAST_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL LE Reduced Power Advertising Interval This parameter is uesd to set LE reduced power advertising interval;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_REDUCED_POWER_ADVERTISING LE Fast Advertising Timeout This parameter is uesd to set LE fast advertising timeout value;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LE_FAST_ADVERTISING_TIMEOUT Power On LE Reduced Power Advertising Timeout This parameter is uesd to show Power On LE Reduced Power Advertising timeout value. Power On LE Reduced Power Advertising timeout = Power on Standby Time - LE Fast Advertising Timeout.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_POWER_ON_LE_REDUCED_POWER_ADVERTISING_TIMEOUT Disconnection LE Reduced Power Advertising Timeout This parameter is uesd to show Disconnection LE Reduced Power Advertising Timeout value. Disconnection LE Reduced Power Advertising Timeout = Disconnection Standby Time - LE Fast Advertising Timeout;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_DISCONNECTION_LE_REDUCED_POWER_ADVERTISING_TIMEOUT Advertising Prefered Power Level Prefered Tx power level when advertising.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_ADVERTISING_TX_POWER_LEVEL Connected Prefered Power Level Prefered Tx power level when connected.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_CONNECTED_TX_POWER_LEVEL Advertising Data Setting This parameter is uesd to set advertising data. Reference RSSI - This value represents the measured strength of the beacon from one meter away and is used during ranging.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_ADVERTISING_DATA_SETTING Scan Response Data Setting This parameter is uesd to set scan response data;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_SCAN_RESPONSE_DATA_SETTING Type This is the LED display method.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_TYPE On Duration This the LED on time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_ON_TIME Off Duration This the LED off time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_OFF_TIME Count This is the number of the flash times for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_COUNT Interval This is the time interval for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_INTERVAL Type This is the LED display method.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_TYPE On Duration This the LED on time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_ON_TIME Off Duration This the LED off time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_OFF_TIME Count This is the number of the flash times for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_COUNT Interval This is the time interval for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_INTERVAL Type This is the LED display method.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_TYPE On Duration This the LED on time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_ON_TIME Off Duration This the LED off time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_OFF_TIME Count This is the number of the flash times for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_COUNT Type This is the LED display method.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_TYPE On Duration This the LED on time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_ON_TIME Off Duration This the LED off time for flash.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_OFF_TIME Count This is the number of the flash times for a round.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED_COUNT Interval This parameter is uesd to set LED warning time interval if low battery happens;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LOW_BATTERY_LED_INTERVAL LED Brightness LED brightness setting.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_LED1_BRIGHTNESS Beacon Feature Enable/Disable Beacon function;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_FEATURE Beacon Admin Mode Enable/Disable Beacon admin mode;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_ADMIN_MODE Beacon Admin Timeout This parameter is used to configure Beacon admin timeout value 0x00: Disable Beacon Admin Feature;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_ADMIN_TIMEOUT Beacon In Connection If Beacon In Connect is Enable, beacon advertising will stop when LE connection is established.;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_IN_CONNECTION Beacon Advertising Interval This parameter is used to confirue advertising interval for Beacon using;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL Beacon Advertising Data Length This paraeter is used to configure advertising data len for Beacon using;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_ADVERTISING_DATA_LENGTH Beacon Advertising Data This paraeter is used to configure advertising data for Beacon using;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_ADVERTISING_DATA Beacon Secret Key This parameter is used to config Secret key for Beacon Admin usage;;help_end;; IDC_STATIC_BEACON_SECRET_KEY