Creating a simple rocket design

This tour shows how to create a simple rocket design from scratch. [initial.jpg]

When you choose to create a new design, you are presented with a blank design and the Rocket configuration dialog is displayed. Here you can enter general information on the rocket design, such as the design name, designer, comments and revision information.

You can later open this dialog by double-clicking on the root component in the component tree. [main-1.jpg]

Next, add a Nose cone to the design by clicking the corresponding component addition button. This opens the nose cone configuration dialog. [dialog-1.jpg]

The configuration dialog contains settings for the nose cone shape, dimensions and material. Set the nose cone length to 10 cm, base diameter to 2.5 cm and material to Polystyrene (plastic).

To use inches, either click the unit to change it, or change the default units in Preferences. [main-2.jpg]

The design window displays the nose cone. Next, add a Body tube to the design. [dialog-2.jpg]

Change the body tube length to 25 cm. The Automatic option for the outer diameter is ticked by default, in which case the diameter is automatically the same as that of the nose cone. [main-3.jpg]

Next, add a Trapezoidal fin set to the rocket. The body tube must be selected in order to add the component. [dialog-3.jpg]

The trapezoidal fin set has numerous dimension parameters. The most important are the root and tip chord (length next to the body tube and tip), height and sweep.

The default values are okay for the example design. [main-4.jpg]

Next, add an Inner tube as a motor mount. Select the body tube, and then click the component addition button. [dialog-4.jpg]

The default dimensions are suitable for Estes A-C motors. To have the motor mount overhang a bit, change the position parameter to Bottom of parent component plus 0.5 cm. [main-5.jpg]

To add Centering rings to keep the mount in place, select the body tube and click the centering ring button.

(If you have the inner tube selected when clicking, the centering ring will be added inside the inner tube. Use EditUndo to undo the latest action.) [dialog-5.jpg]

The centering ring automatically selects the appropriate outer and inner diameter when the Automatic checkboxes are selected.

Move the centering ring to the front of the engine mount by setting the position parameter to Bottom of parent component plus -5.0 cm.

Next add another centering ring at the aft end with position parameter zero. [main-6.jpg]

Next add a Parachute to the body tube. [dialog-6.jpg]

The canopy diameter and drag coefficient determine how much the parachute slows down the rocket during descent. The material and shroud lines affect the total mass. The packed length, diameter and position affect the packed size and location of the parachute.

The Deploys at propery can be used to affect when the parachute deploys. For First ejection charge of this stage option will deploy the parachute when the ejection charge is fired, as is typical in small model rockets. [main-7.jpg]

Now the functional aspects of the rocket design are complete.

For completeness you can still attach a Mass component to the body tube for wadding, and an Engine block to the inner tube for holding the motor in place. [final.jpg]

Now the rocket design is complete.

You can now continue to defining motors to your rocket.