; Animal Motor Works 54-1750 ; AMW K650RR RASP.ENG file made from NAR published data ; File produced April 19, 2004 ; This file my be used or given away. All I ask is that this header ; is maintained to give credit to NAR S&T. Thank you, Jack Kane ; The total impulse, peak thrust, average thrust and burn time are ; the same as the averaged static test data on the NAR web site in ; the certification file. The curve drawn with these data points is as ; close to the certification curve as can be with such a limited ; number of points (32) allowed with wRASP up to v1.6. K650RR 54 492 0 0.931 1.8087 AMW 0.022 308.257 0.045 566.480 0.058 620.440 0.081 639.668 0.135 639.668 0.229 643.494 0.351 662.823 0.594 701.380 0.810 724.434 0.999 743.763 1.151 751.220 1.381 747.588 1.610 736.001 1.835 709.031 2.073 685.876 2.244 674.400 2.334 682.051 2.429 685.876 2.469 666.648 2.528 597.285 2.573 481.714 2.609 358.391 2.631 250.471 2.681 146.477 2.721 65.507 2.748 23.124 2.770 0.000