System properties used by OpenRocket: ===================================== General options --------------- openrocket.locale Select the default locale to be used, for example "en_US". If set to "xx", the logical keys will be displayed instead of the translated strings. Logging options --------------- Possible values are ERROR, WARN, USER, INFO, DEBUG and ALL. openrocket.log.stderr Defines from which log level upwards log events are written to STDERR. Defaults to no output. openrocket.log.stdout Defines from which log level upwards log events are written to STDOUT. Defaults to no output. openrocket.log.tracelevel Defines from which log level upwards the logging position is stored along with the log line. Defaults to INFO. Debugging options ----------------- openrocket.debug Turns on various options useful for debugging purposes. The parameters defined are: openrocket.log.stdout=VBOSE openrocket.log.tracelevel=VBOSE openrocket.debug.motordigest=true openrocket.debug.mutexlocation=true If defined the "Debug" menu will be displayed in the main application window. openrocket.debug.prefs If defined a new, clean set of preferences will be used (does not overwrite the existing preferences). openrocket.debug.mutexlocation Store a stack trace of the location where safety mutexes are locked. This slows down usage of the mutexes a bit. openrocket.debug.bugurl URL used for sending bug reports. openrocket.debug.updateurl URL used for retrieving update notifications. openrocket.debug.motordigest If defined the motor digest will be displayed in the selection dialog. openrocket.debug.coordinatecount If defined, the number of instantiations of the Coordinate class are counted and reported every 1M instantiations, or as often as defined by this parameter. openrocket.debug.quaternioncount If defined, the number of instantiations of the Quaternion class are counted and reported every 1M instantiations, or as often as defined by this parameter. openrocket.debug.safetycheck If defined (and not "false" or "off") then additional safety checks will be performed in the code to prevent e.g. unsafe concurrent access to objects. Currently disabled by default, this will later be enabled by default.