# TeleTerra This is a hand-held ground station for [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/). ## Motivation ## While it is possible to use a partially (or fully!) loaded [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) board as a USB to RF interface, we think it would be cool to have a nice hand-held ground station we can use in full sunlight on the flight line. If it can help locate the rocket and is easy to carry during recovery operations, so much the better! ## Features ## ### User View ### * Hand-held until about the size of a calculator * Antenna for the telemetry stream from [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) * Integrated GPS receiver core to allow display of current user position, and relative position of GPS-equipped rockets * Integrated rechargable battery * USB interface for configuration and power ### Developer View ### * Partially populated [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) board * Serial connector used to attach user interface board * LiPo charge management * Beeper for audible indications * RF section with SMA for external antenna * USB interface * New user interface board * [Microchip 16F882](http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en530146) Microcontroller * 3.5k Flash * 128 bytes RAM * I2C target interface * In-circuit programming interface * Serial port * 4 line, 20 character transreflective text LCD display * Switches for scrolling, safe/arm, etc * LEDs to indicate current flight mode, etc * LiPo battery * GPS receiver core attached to serial port on new user interface board * Software Features (planned) * Written in PIC assembler * Runs from on-chip flash, uses on-chip RAM * Tools Used * [gEDA](http://www.gpleda.org/) for schematic capture and PCB layout * Licenses * The hardware is licensed under the [TAPR](http://www.tapr.org) [Open Hardware License](http://www.tapr.org/ohl.html) * The software is licensed [GPL version 2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) ## Problems ## None yet! ## Artifacts ## As of 11 April 2009, an incomplete schematic exists, but nothing is published yet.