# TelePyro This is an 8-channel pyro expansion board for [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/). ## Motivation ## It would be nice to support more than the 2 channels of igniter control included in the stock [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) design, so that we can fly more complex projects involving staging, air starts, and backup ejection charges. ## Features ## ### User View ### * Small circuit board mounted near [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) * Requires rework of [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) to replace onboard igniter channels with cable providing access to LiPo power and implementing I2C protocol. * Connections for 8 distinct igniter firing channels provided * Supports use of separate battery for ejection charges ### Developer View ### * [Microchip 16F886](http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en530146) Microcontroller * 8k Flash * 386 bytes RAM * I2C target interface * In-circuit programming interface * Software Features (planned) * Written in PIC assembler * Runs from on-chip flash, uses on-chip RAM * Tools Used * [gEDA](http://www.gpleda.org/) for schematic capture and PCB layout * Licenses * The hardware is licensed under the [TAPR](http://www.tapr.org) [Open Hardware License](http://www.tapr.org/ohl.html) * The software is licensed [GPL version 2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) ## Problems ## * Since we didn't anticipate this design, [TeleMetrum](../TeleMetrum/) needs minor rework to interface with this board. ## Artifacts ## As of 11 April 2009, an incomplete schematic exists, but nothing is published yet.