Release Notes for Version 1.2

Bdale Garbee

Keith Packard

This document is released under the terms of the Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 license.

Version 1.2 is a major release. It adds support for MicroPeak and the MicroPeak USB adapter.

1. AltOS

AltOS New Features:

  • Add MicroPeak support. This includes support for the ATtiny85 processor and adaptations to the core code to allow for devices too small to run the multi-tasking scheduler.

2. AltosUI and MicroPeak Application

New Features:

  • Added MicroPeak application

AltosUI and MicroPeak fixes:

  • Distribute Mac OS X packages in disk image (.dmg) format to greatly simplify installation.
  • Provide version numbers for the shared Java libraries to ensure that upgrades work properly, and to allow for multiple Altus Metrum software packages to be installed in the same directory at the same time.