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24         <li><a href="index.html">OpenRocket</a></li>
25         <li><a href="features.html">Features and screenshots</a></li>
26         <li><a href="download.html">Download</a></li>
27         <li><a href="documentation.html">Documentation</a></li>
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33           Contact info</a></li>
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44     <h1>Features of OpenRocket</h1>
45   <div class="content">
46     <h2>Current features</h2>
47     <div class="screenshots">
48       <div class="smallshotconst"><a href="shots/main.png">
49           <img src="shots-small/main.jpg" alt="Main window" /><br/>
50           The main rocket design window is used to design the rocket
51           and it also provides information about a flight simulation
52           in real-time.
53       </a></div>
54       <div class="smallshotconst"><a href="shots/dialog-edit.png">
55           <img src="shots-small/dialog-edit.jpg" alt="Component edit
56           dialog" /><br/>
57           The component shape and properties are defined in their own
58           dialog.
59       </a></div>
60       <div class="smallshotconst"><a href="shots/dialog-analysis.png">
61           <img src="shots-small/dialog-analysis.jpg" alt="Analysis
62           dialog" /><br/>
63           You can analyze the effect of individual components on the
64           stability, drag and roll characteristics of the rocket.
65       </a></div>
66       <div class="smallshotconst"><a href="shots/dialog-plot-options.png">
67           <img src="shots-small/dialog-plot-options.jpg"
68                alt="Simulation plot options" /><br/>
69           The simulation results can be plotted in a multitude
70           of ways.  You can either use the predefined plot
71           configurations or define your own.<br/>
72       </a></div>
73       <div class="smallshotconst"><a href="shots/dialog-plot.png">
74           <img src="shots-small/dialog-plot.jpg" alt="Simulation plot" /><br/>
75           The simulations are plotted using the
76           <em>JFreeChart</em> plotting library.
77       </a></div>
78     </div>
79     <h3>General</h3>
80     <ul>
81       <li><strong>Fully cross-platform</strong>, written in Java</li>
82       <li><strong>Fully documented</strong> <a href="documentation.html">simulation
83           methods</a></li>
84       <li><strong>Open Source</strong>, source code available under the
85         <a href="license.html">GNU GPL</a></li>
86     </ul>
87     <h3>User interface</h3>
88     <ul>
89       <li><strong>Easy-to-use user interface</strong> for
90         rocket design</li>
91       <li><strong>Real-time view of CG and CP</strong> position</li>
92       <li><strong>Real-time flight altitude, velocity and
93           acceleration</strong> information from a continuous simulation
94         performed in the background</li>
95       <li>Zoomable schematic view of rocket from the side or rear,
96         with rotation around the center axis</li>
97     </ul>
98     <h3>Design</h3>
99     <ul>
100       <li>A multitude of available components to
101         choose from</li>
102       <li><strong>Trapezoidal</strong>, <strong>elliptical</strong>
103         and <strong>free-form fins</strong> supported</li>
104       <li>Support for <strong>canted fins</strong> (roll
105         stabilization)</li>
106       <li><strong>Staging</strong> and <strong>clustering</strong> support</li>
107       <li>Automatic calculation of component mass and CG based on
108         shape and density</li>
109       <li>Ability to <strong>override mass and CG</strong> of
110         components or stages separately</li>
111     </ul>
112     <h3>Simulation and analysis</h3>
113     <ul>
114       <li>Full <strong>six degree of freedom</strong> simulation</li>
115       <li>Rocket stability computed using <strong>extended Barrowman
116           method</strong></li>
117       <li>Realistic wind modeling</li>
118       <li>Analysis of the <strong>effect of separate
119           components</strong> on the stability, drag and roll
120         characteristics of the rocket</li>
121       <li><strong>Fully configurable plotting</strong>, with
122         various preset configurations</li>
123       <li>Simulation data can be <strong>exported to
124           <acronym title="Comma Separated Values">CSV</acronym>
125           files</strong> for further analysis</li>
126       <li><strong>Simulation listeners</strong> allowing custom-made
127         code to interact with the rocket during flight simulation</li>
128     </ul>
129     <h2 id="future">Planned future features</h2>
130     <p>OpenRocket is under constant work in the free time of the
131       developers.  You can have a sneak preview on what has been
132       planned by checking the
133       <a href="">TODO-file</a>
134       in the SVN repository.</p>
135     <p>Below are a few major features that are under consideration:</p>
136     <ul>
137       <li>Aerodynamic computation using
138         <acronym title="Computational Fluid Dynamics">CFD</acronym>
139         <a href="getinvolved.html" class="help">(help needed!)</a></li>
140       <li>Better support for supersonic simulation
141         <a href="getinvolved.html" class="help">(help needed!)</a></li>
142       <li>3D view of the rocket design
143         <a href="getinvolved.html" class="help">(help
144         needed!)</a></li>
145       <li>Printing and saving figures, simulation data and designs</li>
146       <li>Support for ready-made component databases</li>
147       <li>Customized support for hybrid rocket motors and water
148         rockets</li>
149       <li>Importing and plotting actual flight data from altimeters</li>
150       <li>Rocket flight animation</li>
151       <li>A "wizard" for creating new rocket designs</li>
152       <li class="spacer">More ideas are listed in the
153         <a href="">TODO-file</a>!</li>
154     </ul>
155     <p>If you want to help make OpenRocket the best rocket simulator,
156       don't hesitate to <a href="getinvolved.html">Get involved!</a></p>
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