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24         <li><a href="index.html">OpenRocket</a></li>
25         <li><a href="features.html">Features and screenshots</a></li>
26         <li><a href="download.html">Download</a></li>
27         <li><a href="documentation.html">Documentation</a></li>
28         <li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/openrocket/">Wiki pages</a></li>
29         <li><a href="getinvolved.html">Get involved!</a></li>
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33           Contact info</a></li>
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35           Report a bug<br/>
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44     <h1>Support and contact information for OpenRocket</h1>
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46     <h2>Mailing lists</h2>
47     <p>If you would like to be notified when new versions of
48     OpenRocket are released, you can join the
49     <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openrocket-announce"><tt>OpenRocket-announce</tt> mailing list</a>.  The
50     list is moderated and meant only for OpenRocket related
51     announcements.</p>
52     <p>When more developers join the project, a development mailing
53     list will be created as well.</p>
54     <p><strong>Unsubscribing</strong> from the lists can be performed
55     in the above links as well.  <em>Please do not send unsubscription
56     requests to the list.</em></p>
57     <h2>Support forums</h2>
58     <p>The main support channel for the usage of OpenRocket is the
59     support forums.  This way everybody can benefit from the answers
60     provided.</p>
61     <p><em><a href="http://apps.sourceforge.net/phpbb/openrocket/">Go
62     to the support forums &rarr;</a></em></p>
63     <h2 id="contact">Contact information</h2>
64     <p>OpenRocket is primarily developed by Sampo Niskanen.  His contact
65     information can be found below.</p>
66     <p><em>If you would like to contribute something to OpenRocket, please
67     contact me!</em></p>
68     <p><strong><em>Support requests</em></strong> should be sent to
69     the <a href="http://apps.sourceforge.net/phpbb/openrocket/">support
70     forums</a>.<br/>
71     <strong><em>Bug reports and feature requests</em></strong> should
72     be <a href="report.html">reported separately</a>.</p>
73     <p><strong>Email:</strong>  &nbsp;&nbsp;
74     <em>sam<span>po</span>.<span>niskanen</span><span>@i</span>ki.fi</em></p>
75     <p><strong>WWW:</strong>  &nbsp;&nbsp;
76     <a href="http://www.iki.fi/sampo.niskanen/"
77     title="Home page of Sampo Niskanen"><em>http://www.iki.fi/sampo.niskanen/</em></a></p>
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