]> git.gag.com Git - fw/sdcc/blob - support/cpp/cpp.aux
General removal of compiler warnings
[fw/sdcc] / support / cpp / cpp.aux
1 'xrdef {Top-title}{The C Preprocessor}
2 'xrdef {Top-pg}{1}
3 'xrdef {Top-snt}{Chapter'tie1}
4 'xrdef {Global Actions-title}{Transformations Made Globally}
5 'xrdef {Global Actions-pg}{1}
6 'xrdef {Global Actions-snt}{Section'tie1.1}
7 'xrdef {Commands-title}{Preprocessor Commands}
8 'xrdef {Commands-pg}{3}
9 'xrdef {Commands-snt}{Section'tie1.2}
10 'xrdef {Header Files-title}{Header Files}
11 'xrdef {Header Files-pg}{3}
12 'xrdef {Header Files-snt}{Section'tie1.3}
13 'xrdef {Header Uses-title}{Uses of Header Files}
14 'xrdef {Header Uses-pg}{4}
15 'xrdef {Header Uses-snt}{Section'tie1.3.1}
16 'xrdef {Include Syntax-title}{The \samp {#include} Command}
17 'xrdef {Include Syntax-pg}{4}
18 'xrdef {Include Syntax-snt}{Section'tie1.3.2}
19 'xrdef {Include Operation-title}{How \samp {#include} Works}
20 'xrdef {Include Operation-pg}{5}
21 'xrdef {Include Operation-snt}{Section'tie1.3.3}
22 'xrdef {Once-Only-title}{Once-Only Include Files}
23 'xrdef {Once-Only-pg}{6}
24 'xrdef {Once-Only-snt}{Section'tie1.3.4}
25 'xrdef {Inheritance-title}{Inheritance and Header Files}
26 'xrdef {Inheritance-pg}{8}
27 'xrdef {Inheritance-snt}{Section'tie1.3.5}
28 'xrdef {Macros-title}{Macros}
29 'xrdef {Macros-pg}{9}
30 'xrdef {Macros-snt}{Section'tie1.4}
31 'xrdef {Simple Macros-title}{Simple Macros}
32 'xrdef {Simple Macros-pg}{9}
33 'xrdef {Simple Macros-snt}{Section'tie1.4.1}
34 'xrdef {Argument Macros-title}{Macros with Arguments}
35 'xrdef {Argument Macros-pg}{10}
36 'xrdef {Argument Macros-snt}{Section'tie1.4.2}
37 'xrdef {Predefined-title}{Predefined Macros}
38 'xrdef {Predefined-pg}{13}
39 'xrdef {Predefined-snt}{Section'tie1.4.3}
40 'xrdef {Standard Predefined-title}{Standard Predefined Macros}
41 'xrdef {Standard Predefined-pg}{13}
42 'xrdef {Standard Predefined-snt}{Section'tie1.4.3.1}
43 'xrdef {Nonstandard Predefined-title}{Nonstandard Predefined Macros}
44 'xrdef {Nonstandard Predefined-pg}{15}
45 'xrdef {Nonstandard Predefined-snt}{Section'tie1.4.3.2}
46 'xrdef {Stringification-title}{Stringification}
47 'xrdef {Stringification-pg}{17}
48 'xrdef {Stringification-snt}{Section'tie1.4.4}
49 'xrdef {Concatenation-title}{Concatenation}
50 'xrdef {Concatenation-pg}{18}
51 'xrdef {Concatenation-snt}{Section'tie1.4.5}
52 'xrdef {Undefining-title}{Undefining Macros}
53 'xrdef {Undefining-pg}{20}
54 'xrdef {Undefining-snt}{Section'tie1.4.6}
55 'xrdef {Redefining-title}{Redefining Macros}
56 'xrdef {Redefining-pg}{20}
57 'xrdef {Redefining-snt}{Section'tie1.4.7}
58 'xrdef {Macro Pitfalls-title}{Pitfalls and Subtleties of Macros}
59 'xrdef {Macro Pitfalls-pg}{21}
60 'xrdef {Macro Pitfalls-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8}
61 'xrdef {Misnesting-title}{Improperly Nested Constructs}
62 'xrdef {Misnesting-pg}{21}
63 'xrdef {Misnesting-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.1}
64 'xrdef {Macro Parentheses-title}{Unintended Grouping of Arithmetic}
65 'xrdef {Macro Parentheses-pg}{22}
66 'xrdef {Macro Parentheses-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.2}
67 'xrdef {Swallow Semicolon-title}{Swallowing the Semicolon}
68 'xrdef {Swallow Semicolon-pg}{23}
69 'xrdef {Swallow Semicolon-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.3}
70 'xrdef {Side Effects-title}{Duplication of Side Effects}
71 'xrdef {Side Effects-pg}{24}
72 'xrdef {Side Effects-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.4}
73 'xrdef {Self-Reference-title}{Self-Referential Macros}
74 'xrdef {Self-Reference-pg}{25}
75 'xrdef {Self-Reference-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.5}
76 'xrdef {Argument Prescan-title}{Separate Expansion of Macro Arguments}
77 'xrdef {Argument Prescan-pg}{26}
78 'xrdef {Argument Prescan-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.6}
79 'xrdef {Cascaded Macros-title}{Cascaded Use of Macros}
80 'xrdef {Cascaded Macros-pg}{29}
81 'xrdef {Cascaded Macros-snt}{Section'tie1.4.8.7}
82 'xrdef {Newlines in Args-title}{Newlines in Macro Arguments}
83 'xrdef {Newlines in Args-pg}{30}
84 'xrdef {Newlines in Args-snt}{Section'tie1.4.9}
85 'xrdef {Conditionals-title}{Conditionals}
86 'xrdef {Conditionals-pg}{30}
87 'xrdef {Conditionals-snt}{Section'tie1.5}
88 'xrdef {Conditional Uses-title}{Why Conditionals are Used}
89 'xrdef {Conditional Uses-pg}{31}
90 'xrdef {Conditional Uses-snt}{Section'tie1.5.1}
91 'xrdef {Conditional Syntax-title}{Syntax of Conditionals}
92 'xrdef {Conditional Syntax-pg}{31}
93 'xrdef {Conditional Syntax-snt}{Section'tie1.5.2}
94 'xrdef {#if Command-title}{The \samp {#if} Command}
95 'xrdef {#if Command-pg}{31}
96 'xrdef {#if Command-snt}{Section'tie1.5.2.1}
97 'xrdef {#else Command-title}{The \samp {#else} Command}
98 'xrdef {#else Command-pg}{32}
99 'xrdef {#else Command-snt}{Section'tie1.5.2.2}
100 'xrdef {#elif Command-title}{The \samp {#elif} Command}
101 'xrdef {#elif Command-pg}{33}
102 'xrdef {#elif Command-snt}{Section'tie1.5.2.3}
103 'xrdef {Deleted Code-title}{Keeping Deleted Code for Future Reference}
104 'xrdef {Deleted Code-pg}{34}
105 'xrdef {Deleted Code-snt}{Section'tie1.5.3}
106 'xrdef {Conditionals-Macros-title}{Conditionals and Macros}
107 'xrdef {Conditionals-Macros-pg}{34}
108 'xrdef {Conditionals-Macros-snt}{Section'tie1.5.4}
109 'xrdef {Assertions-title}{Assertions}
110 'xrdef {Assertions-pg}{36}
111 'xrdef {Assertions-snt}{Section'tie1.5.5}
112 'xrdef {#error Command-title}{The \samp {#error} and \samp {#warning} Commands}
113 'xrdef {#error Command-pg}{38}
114 'xrdef {#error Command-snt}{Section'tie1.5.6}
115 'xrdef {Combining Sources-title}{Combining Source Files}
116 'xrdef {Combining Sources-pg}{39}
117 'xrdef {Combining Sources-snt}{Section'tie1.6}
118 'xrdef {Other Commands-title}{Miscellaneous Preprocessor Commands}
119 'xrdef {Other Commands-pg}{40}
120 'xrdef {Other Commands-snt}{Section'tie1.7}
121 'xrdef {Output-title}{C Preprocessor Output}
122 'xrdef {Output-pg}{41}
123 'xrdef {Output-snt}{Section'tie1.8}
124 'xrdef {Invocation-title}{Invoking the C Preprocessor}
125 'xrdef {Invocation-pg}{41}
126 'xrdef {Invocation-snt}{Section'tie1.9}
127 'xrdef {Concept Index-title}{Concept Index}
128 'xrdef {Concept Index-pg}{47}
129 'xrdef {Concept Index-snt}{}
130 'xrdef {Index-title}{Index of Commands, Macros and Options}
131 'xrdef {Index-pg}{49}
132 'xrdef {Index-snt}{}