Make BurnSettings to the changelistener thing
[sw/motorsim] / src / com / billkuker / rocketry / motorsim /
1 package com.billkuker.rocketry.motorsim;\r
2 \r
3 \r
4 \r
5 import java.util.Date;\r
6 import java.util.HashSet;\r
7 import java.util.Set;\r
8 import java.util.SortedMap;\r
9 import java.util.TreeMap;\r
10 \r
11 import javax.measure.quantity.Area;\r
12 import javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless;\r
13 import javax.measure.quantity.Duration;\r
14 import javax.measure.quantity.Force;\r
15 import javax.measure.quantity.Length;\r
16 import javax.measure.quantity.Mass;\r
17 import javax.measure.quantity.MassFlowRate;\r
18 import javax.measure.quantity.Pressure;\r
19 import javax.measure.quantity.Quantity;\r
20 import javax.measure.quantity.Temperature;\r
21 import javax.measure.quantity.Velocity;\r
22 import javax.measure.quantity.Volume;\r
23 import javax.measure.quantity.VolumetricDensity;\r
24 import javax.measure.unit.SI;\r
25 \r
26 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;\r
27 import org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount;\r
28 import org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants;\r
29 \r
30 import com.billkuker.rocketry.motorsim.Validating.ValidationException;\r
31 \r
32 public class Burn {\r
33         private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Burn.class);\r
34         \r
35         private static final BurnSettings settings = new BurnSettings();\r
36         public static final BurnSettings getBurnSettings(){\r
37                 return settings;\r
38         }\r
39         \r
40         /**\r
41          * A class representing all the settigns one can change on a burn\r
42          * @author bkuker\r
43          */\r
44         public static class BurnSettings {\r
45                 private BurnSettings(){};\r
46 \r
47                 public enum BurnVolumeMethod {\r
48                         DeltaVolume,\r
49                         SurfaceTimesRegression;\r
50                 }\r
51                 \r
52                 private BurnVolumeMethod volumeMethod = BurnVolumeMethod.SurfaceTimesRegression;\r
53                 private double regStepIncreaseFactor = 1.01;\r
54                 private double regStepDecreaseFactor = .5;\r
55                 private Amount<Pressure> chamberPressureMaxDelta = Amount.valueOf(.5, SI.MEGA(SI.PASCAL));\r
56                 private Amount<Pressure> endPressure = Amount.valueOf(.1, RocketScience.PSI);\r
57                 \r
58                 public void setVolumeMethod(BurnVolumeMethod volumeMethod) {\r
59                         this.volumeMethod = volumeMethod;\r
60                 }\r
61                 public BurnVolumeMethod getVolumeMethod() {\r
62                         return volumeMethod;\r
63                 }\r
64                 public double getRegStepIncreaseFactor() {\r
65                         return regStepIncreaseFactor;\r
66                 }\r
67                 public void setRegStepIncreaseFactor(double regStepIncreaseFactor) {\r
68                         this.regStepIncreaseFactor = regStepIncreaseFactor;\r
69                 }\r
70                 public double getRegStepDecreaseFactor() {\r
71                         return regStepDecreaseFactor;\r
72                 }\r
73                 public void setRegStepDecreaseFactor(double regStepDecreaseFactor) {\r
74                         this.regStepDecreaseFactor = regStepDecreaseFactor;\r
75                 }\r
76                 public Amount<Pressure> getChamberPressureMaxDelta() {\r
77                         return chamberPressureMaxDelta;\r
78                 }\r
79                 public void setChamberPressureMaxDelta(Amount<Pressure> chamberPressureMaxDelta) {\r
80                         this.chamberPressureMaxDelta = chamberPressureMaxDelta;\r
81                 }\r
82                 public Amount<Pressure> getEndPressure() {\r
83                         return endPressure;\r
84                 }\r
85                 public void setEndPressure(Amount<Pressure> endPressure) {\r
86                         this.endPressure = endPressure;\r
87                 }\r
88         }\r
89         \r
90         protected final Motor motor;\r
91         \r
92         private boolean burning = false;\r
93         private boolean done = false;\r
94         \r
95         public interface BurnProgressListener{\r
96                 public void setProgress(float p);\r
97                 public void burnComplete();\r
98         }\r
99         \r
100 \r
101 \r
102         \r
103         private Set<BurnProgressListener> bpls = new HashSet<Burn.BurnProgressListener>();\r
104         \r
105         private static final Amount<Pressure> atmosphereicPressure = Amount.valueOf(101000, SI.PASCAL);\r
106         \r
107         public class Interval{\r
108                 public Amount<Duration> time;\r
109                 public Amount<Duration> dt;\r
110                 public Amount<Length> regression;\r
111                 public Amount<Pressure> chamberPressure;\r
112                 Amount<Mass> chamberProduct;\r
113                 public Amount<Force> thrust;\r
114 \r
115                 public String toString(){\r
116                         return time + " " + dt + " " + regression + " " + chamberPressure + " " + chamberProduct;\r
117                 }\r
118         }\r
119         \r
120         protected SortedMap<Amount<Duration>,Interval> data = new TreeMap<Amount<Duration>, Interval>();\r
121         \r
122         public SortedMap<Amount<Duration>,Interval> getData(){\r
123                 if ( !done )\r
124                         throw new IllegalStateException("Burn not complete!");\r
125                 return data;\r
126         }\r
127         \r
128         public Motor getMotor(){\r
129                 return motor;\r
130         }\r
131 \r
132         public Amount<Duration> burnTime(){\r
133                 return getData().lastKey();\r
134         }\r
135         \r
136         public Burn(Motor m){\r
137                 try {\r
138                         m.validate();\r
139                 } catch (ValidationException e) {\r
140                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Motor: " + e.getMessage());\r
141                 }\r
142                 motor = m;\r
143         }\r
144         \r
145         public void addBurnProgressListener( BurnProgressListener bpl ){\r
146                 bpls.add(bpl);\r
147                 if ( done )\r
148                         bpl.burnComplete();\r
149         }\r
150         \r
151         public void burn(){\r
152                 synchronized(this){\r
153                         if ( burning )\r
154                                 throw new IllegalStateException("Already burning!");\r
155                         burning = true;\r
156                 }\r
157       "Starting burn...");\r
158                 for (BurnProgressListener bpl : bpls ){\r
159                         bpl.setProgress(0);\r
160                 }\r
161                 \r
162                 int endPressureSteps = 0;\r
163                 long start = new Date().getTime();\r
164                 \r
165                 Amount<Length> regStep = Amount.valueOf(0.01, SI.MILLIMETER);\r
166 \r
167                 Interval initial = new Interval();\r
168                 initial.time = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.SECOND);\r
169                 initial.dt = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.SECOND);\r
170                 initial.regression = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.MILLIMETER);\r
171                 initial.chamberPressure = atmosphereicPressure;\r
172                 initial.chamberProduct = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.KILOGRAM);\r
173                 initial.thrust = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.NEWTON);\r
174                 \r
175                 data.put(Amount.valueOf(0, SI.SECOND), initial);\r
176                 \r
177                 step:\r
178                 for ( int i = 0; i < 5000; i++ ) {\r
179                         assert(positive(regStep));\r
180                         regStep = regStep.times(settings.getRegStepIncreaseFactor());\r
181                         \r
182                         Interval prev = data.get(data.lastKey());\r
183                         log.debug(prev);\r
184                         log.debug("Step " + i + " ==============================");\r
185                         Interval next = new Interval();\r
186                         \r
187                         Amount<Velocity> burnRate = motor.getFuel().burnRate(prev.chamberPressure);\r
188                         assert(positive(burnRate));\r
189                         \r
190                         log.debug("Burn Rate: " + burnRate);\r
191                         \r
192                         Amount<Duration> dt = regStep.divide(burnRate).to(Duration.UNIT);\r
193                         assert(positive(dt));\r
194                         next.dt = dt;\r
195                         \r
196 \r
197                         \r
198                         log.debug("Dt: " + dt);\r
199                         \r
200                         next.regression =;\r
201                         assert(positive(next.regression));\r
202                         \r
203                         log.debug("Regression: " + next.regression);\r
204                         \r
205                         //Update BurnProgressListeners\r
206                         Amount<Dimensionless> a = next.regression.divide(motor.getGrain().webThickness()).to(Dimensionless.UNIT);\r
207                         for (BurnProgressListener bpl : bpls ){\r
208                                 bpl.setProgress((float)a.doubleValue(Dimensionless.UNIT));\r
209                         }\r
210 \r
211                         \r
212                         next.time =;\r
213                         \r
214                         //log.debug("Vold: " + motor.getGrain().volume(prev.regression).to(SI.MILLIMETER.pow(3)));\r
215                         \r
216                         //log.debug("Vnew: " + motor.getGrain().volume(next.regression).to(SI.MILLIMETER.pow(3)));\r
217                         \r
218                         Amount<Volume> volumeBurnt;\r
219                         if ( settings.getVolumeMethod() == BurnSettings.BurnVolumeMethod.DeltaVolume ){\r
220                                 volumeBurnt = motor.getGrain().volume(prev.regression).minus(motor.getGrain().volume(next.regression));\r
221                         } else {\r
222                                 volumeBurnt = motor.getGrain().surfaceArea(prev.regression).times(regStep).to(Volume.UNIT);\r
223                         }\r
224                         assert(positive(volumeBurnt));\r
225                         //"Volume Burnt: " +;\r
226                         \r
227                         Amount<MassFlowRate> mGenRate = volumeBurnt.times(motor.getFuel().getIdealDensity().times(motor.getFuel().getDensityRatio())).divide(dt).to(MassFlowRate.UNIT);\r
228                         assert(positive(mGenRate));\r
229                         \r
230                         //log.debug("Mass Gen Rate: " + mGenRate);\r
231                         \r
232                         //Calculate specific gas constant\r
233                         Amount<?> specificGasConstant = Constants.R.divide(motor.getFuel().getCombustionProduct().getEffectiveMolarWeight());\r
234                         //This unit conversion helps JScience to convert nozzle flow rate to\r
235                         //kg/s a little later on I verified the conversion by hand and\r
236                         //JScience checks it too.\r
237                         specificGasConstant = convertSpecificGasConstantUnits(specificGasConstant);\r
238                         \r
239                         //Calculate chamber temperature\r
240                         Amount<Temperature> chamberTemp = motor.getFuel().getCombustionProduct().getIdealCombustionTemperature().times(motor.getFuel().getCombustionEfficiency());\r
241                         \r
242                         Amount<MassFlowRate> mNozzle;\r
243                         {\r
244                                 Amount<Pressure> pDiff = prev.chamberPressure.minus(atmosphereicPressure);\r
245                                 //log.debug("Pdiff: " + pDiff);\r
246                                 Amount<Area> aStar = motor.getNozzle().throatArea();\r
247                                 double k = motor.getFuel().getCombustionProduct().getRatioOfSpecificHeats();\r
248                                 double kSide = Math.sqrt(k) * Math.pow((2/(k+1)) , (((k+1)/2)/(k-1)));\r
249                                 Amount<?> sqrtPart = specificGasConstant.times(chamberTemp).sqrt();\r
250                                 mNozzle = pDiff.times(aStar).times(kSide).divide(sqrtPart).to(MassFlowRate.UNIT);\r
251                                 //log.debug("Mass Exit Rate: " +;                \r
252                         }\r
253                         assert(positive(mNozzle));\r
254                         \r
255                         Amount<MassFlowRate> massStorageRate = mGenRate.minus(mNozzle);\r
256                         \r
257                         //log.debug("Mass Storage Rate: " + massStorageRate);\r
258 \r
259                         next.chamberProduct =;\r
260                         \r
261                         //Product can not go negative!\r
262                         if ( !positive(next.chamberProduct) ){\r
263                                 log.warn("ChamberProduct Negative on step " + i + "!, Adjusting regstep down and repeating step!");\r
264                                 regStep = regStep.times(settings.getRegStepDecreaseFactor());\r
265                                 continue step;\r
266                         }\r
267                         assert(positive(next.chamberProduct));\r
268                         if ( next.chamberProduct.isLessThan(Amount.valueOf(0, SI.KILOGRAM)) )\r
269                                 next.chamberProduct = Amount.valueOf(0, SI.KILOGRAM);\r
270                         \r
271                         //log.debug("Chamber Product: " + next.chamberProduct);\r
272                         \r
273                         Amount<VolumetricDensity> combustionProductDensity = next.chamberProduct.divide(motor.getChamber().chamberVolume().minus(motor.getGrain().volume(next.regression))).to(VolumetricDensity.UNIT);\r
274                         \r
275                         log.debug("Product Density: " + combustionProductDensity);\r
276                         \r
277                         next.chamberPressure = combustionProductDensity.times(specificGasConstant).times(chamberTemp).plus(atmosphereicPressure).to(Pressure.UNIT);\r
278                         assert(positive(next.chamberPressure));\r
279                         \r
280                         next.chamberPressure = Amount.valueOf(\r
281                                         next.chamberPressure.doubleValue(SI.PASCAL),\r
282                                         SI.PASCAL);\r
283                         \r
284                         Amount<Pressure> dp = next.chamberPressure.minus(prev.chamberPressure);\r
285                         if ( dp.abs().isGreaterThan(settings.getChamberPressureMaxDelta())){\r
286                                 log.warn("DP " + dp + " too big!, Adjusting regstep down and repeating step!");\r
287                                 regStep = regStep.times(settings.getRegStepDecreaseFactor());\r
288                                 continue step;\r
289                         }\r
290                         \r
291                         next.thrust = motor.getNozzle().thrust(next.chamberPressure, atmosphereicPressure, atmosphereicPressure, motor.getFuel().getCombustionProduct().getRatioOfSpecificHeats2Phase());\r
292                         assert(positive(next.thrust));\r
293                         \r
294                         if ( i > 100 && next.chamberPressure.minus(atmosphereicPressure).abs().isLessThan(settings.getEndPressure())){\r
295                       "Pressure at ~Patm on step " + i);\r
296                                 endPressureSteps++;\r
297                                 if ( endPressureSteps > 5 )\r
298                                         break;\r
299                         }\r
300                         \r
301                         data.put(data.lastKey().plus(dt), next);\r
302                 }\r
303 \r
304                 long time = new Date().getTime() - start;\r
305       "Burn took " + time + " millis.");\r
306                 done = true;\r
307                 for (BurnProgressListener bpl : bpls ){\r
308                         bpl.burnComplete();\r
309                 }\r
310         }\r
311         \r
312         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")\r
313         /*\r
314          * This converts the units of this constant to something JScience is able\r
315          * to work from. This conversion is unchecked at compile time, but\r
316          * JScience keeps me honest at runtime.\r
317          */\r
318         private Amount convertSpecificGasConstantUnits(Amount a){\r
319                 return\r
320                                 SI.METER.pow(2).divide(SI.SECOND.pow(2).times(SI.KELVIN)));\r
321         }\r
322         \r
323         public Amount<Pressure> pressure(Amount<Duration> time){\r
324                 return getData().get(time).chamberPressure;\r
325         }\r
326         \r
327         public Amount<Force> thrust(Amount<Duration> time){\r
328                 return getData().get(time).thrust;\r
329         }\r
330         \r
331         public Amount<Dimensionless> kn(Amount<Length> regression){\r
332                 return motor.getGrain().surfaceArea(regression).divide(motor.getNozzle().throatArea()).to(Dimensionless.UNIT);\r
333         }\r
334         \r
335         \r
336         private <Q extends Quantity> boolean positive(Amount<Q> a){\r
337                 return ( a.isGreaterThan(a.minus(a)) || a.equals(a.minus(a)));\r
338         }\r
339 \r
340 }\r