]> git.gag.com Git - debian/pforth/blob - fth/filefind.fth
Fix REPOSITION-FILE, HISTORY, locked file handle and other problems.
[debian/pforth] / fth / filefind.fth
1 \ @(#) filefind.fth 98/01/26 1.2\r
2 \ FILE?  ( <name> -- , report which file this Forth word was defined in )\r
3 \\r
4 \ FILE? looks for ::::Filename and ;;;; in the dictionary\r
5 \ that have been left by INCLUDE.  It figures out nested\r
6 \ includes and reports each file that defines the word.\r
7 \\r
8 \ Author: Phil Burk\r
9 \ Copyright 1992 Phil Burk\r
10 \\r
11 \ 00001 PLB 2/21/92 Handle words from kernel or keyboard.\r
12 \               Support EACH.FILE?\r
13 \ 961213 PLB Port to pForth.\r
14 \r
16 \r
17 : BE@ { addr | val -- val , fetch from unaligned address in BigEndian order }\r
18         4 0\r
19         DO\r
20                 addr i + c@\r
21                 val 8 lshift or -> val\r
22         LOOP\r
23         val\r
24 ;\r
25 \r
26 : BE! { val addr -- , store to unaligned address in BigEndian order }\r
27         4 0\r
28         DO\r
29             val 3 i - 8 * rshift\r
30                 addr i + c!\r
31         LOOP\r
32 ;\r
33 : BEW@ { addr -- , fetch word from unaligned address in BigEndian order }\r
34         addr c@ 8 lshift\r
35         addr 1+ c@ OR\r
36 ;\r
37 \r
38 : BEW! { val addr -- , store word to unaligned address in BigEndian order }\r
39         val 8 rshift addr c!\r
40         val addr 1+ c!\r
41 ;\r
42 \r
43 \ scan dictionary from NFA for filename\r
44 : F?.SEARCH.NFA { nfa | dpth stoploop keyb nfa0 -- addr count }\r
45         0 -> dpth\r
46         0 -> stoploop\r
47         0 -> keyb\r
48         nfa -> nfa0\r
49         BEGIN\r
50                 nfa prevname -> nfa\r
51                 nfa 0>\r
52                 IF\r
53                         nfa 1+ be@\r
54                         CASE\r
55                                 $ 3a3a3a3a ( :::: )\r
56                                 OF\r
57                                         dpth 0=\r
58                                         IF\r
59                                                 nfa count 31 and\r
60                                                 4 - swap 4 + swap\r
61                                                 true -> stoploop\r
62                                         ELSE\r
63                                                 -1 dpth + -> dpth\r
64                                         THEN\r
65                                 ENDOF\r
66                                 $ 3b3b3b3b ( ;;;; )\r
67                                 OF\r
68                                                 1 dpth + -> dpth\r
69                                                 true -> keyb     \ maybe from keyboard\r
70                                 ENDOF\r
71                         ENDCASE\r
72                 ELSE\r
73                         true -> stoploop\r
74                         keyb\r
75                         IF\r
76                                 " keyboard"\r
77                         ELSE\r
78                                 " 'C' kernel"\r
79                         THEN\r
80                         count\r
81                 THEN\r
82                 stoploop\r
83         UNTIL\r
84 ;\r
85 \r
86 : FINDNFA.FROM { $name start_nfa -- nfa true | $word false }\r
87         context @ >r\r
88         start_nfa context !\r
89         $name findnfa\r
90         r> context !\r
91 ;\r
92 \r
93 \ Search entire dictionary for all occurences of named word.\r
94 : FILE? {  | $word nfa done? -- , take name from input }\r
95         0 -> done?\r
96         bl word -> $word\r
97         $word findnfa\r
98         IF  ( -- nfa )\r
99                 $word count type ."  from:" cr\r
100                 -> nfa\r
101                 BEGIN\r
102                         nfa f?.search.nfa ( addr cnt )\r
103                         nfa name> 12 .r   \ print xt\r
104                         4 spaces type cr\r
105                         nfa prevname dup -> nfa\r
106                         0>\r
107                         IF\r
108                                 $word nfa findnfa.from  \ search from one behind found nfa\r
109                                 swap -> nfa\r
110                                 not\r
111                         ELSE\r
112                                 true\r
113                         THEN\r
114                 UNTIL\r
115         ELSE ( -- $word )\r
116                 count type ."  not found!" cr\r
117         THEN\r
118 ;\r
119 \r