]> git.gag.com Git - debian/pforth/blob - csrc/pf_core.c
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[debian/pforth] / csrc / pf_core.c
1 /* @(#) pf_core.c 98/01/28 1.5 */\r
2 /***************************************************************\r
3 ** Forth based on 'C'\r
4 **\r
5 ** This file has the main entry points to the pForth library.\r
6 **\r
7 ** Author: Phil Burk\r
8 ** Copyright 1994 3DO, Phil Burk, Larry Polansky, David Rosenboom\r
9 **\r
10 ** The pForth software code is dedicated to the public domain,\r
11 ** and any third party may reproduce, distribute and modify\r
12 ** the pForth software code or any derivative works thereof\r
13 ** without any compensation or license.  The pForth software\r
14 ** code is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranty\r
15 ** of any kind, including, without limitation, the implied\r
16 ** warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular\r
17 ** purpose and their equivalents under the laws of any jurisdiction.\r
18 **\r
19 ****************************************************************\r
20 ** 940502 PLB Creation.\r
21 ** 940505 PLB More macros.\r
22 ** 940509 PLB Moved all stack handling into inner interpreter.\r
23 **        Added Create, Colon, Semicolon, HNumberQ, etc.\r
24 ** 940510 PLB Got inner interpreter working with secondaries.\r
25 **        Added (LITERAL).   Compiles colon definitions.\r
26 ** 940511 PLB Added conditionals, LITERAL, CREATE DOES>\r
27 ** 940512 PLB Added DO LOOP DEFER, fixed R>\r
28 ** 940520 PLB Added INCLUDE\r
29 ** 940521 PLB Added NUMBER?\r
30 ** 940930 PLB Outer Interpreter now uses deferred NUMBER?\r
31 ** 941005 PLB Added ANSI locals, LEAVE, modularised\r
32 ** 950320 RDG Added underflow checking for FP stack\r
33 ** 970702 PLB Added STACK_SAFETY to FP stack size.\r
34 ***************************************************************/\r
35 \r
36 #include "pf_all.h"\r
37  \r
38 /***************************************************************\r
39 ** Global Data\r
40 ***************************************************************/\r
41 \r
42 char          gScratch[TIB_SIZE];\r
43 pfTaskData_t   *gCurrentTask = NULL;\r
44 pfDictionary_t *gCurrentDictionary;\r
45 int32         gNumPrimitives;\r
46 \r
47 ExecToken     gLocalCompiler_XT;   /* custom compiler for local variables */\r
48 ExecToken     gNumberQ_XT;         /* XT of NUMBER? */\r
49 ExecToken     gQuitP_XT;           /* XT of (QUIT) */\r
50 ExecToken     gAcceptP_XT;         /* XT of ACCEPT */\r
51 \r
52 /* Depth of data stack when colon called. */\r
53 int32         gDepthAtColon;\r
54 \r
55 /* Global Forth variables. */\r
56 char         *gVarContext;      /* Points to last name field. */\r
57 cell          gVarState;        /* 1 if compiling. */\r
58 cell          gVarBase;         /* Numeric Base. */\r
59 cell          gVarEcho;         /* Echo input. */\r
60 cell          gVarTraceLevel;   /* Trace Level for Inner Interpreter. */\r
61 cell          gVarTraceStack;   /* Dump Stack each time if true. */\r
62 cell          gVarTraceFlags;   /* Enable various internal debug messages. */\r
63 cell          gVarQuiet;        /* Suppress unnecessary messages, OK, etc. */\r
64 cell          gVarReturnCode;   /* Returned to caller of Forth, eg. UNIX shell. */\r
65 \r
66 /* data for INCLUDE that allows multiple nested files. */\r
67 IncludeFrame  gIncludeStack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH];\r
68 int32         gIncludeIndex;\r
69 \r
70 static void pfResetForthTask( void );\r
71 static void pfInit( void );\r
72 static void pfTerm( void );\r
73 \r
74 /* TODO move to pf_config.h header. */\r
75 #define DEFAULT_RETURN_DEPTH (512)\r
76 #define DEFAULT_USER_DEPTH (512)\r
77 #define DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE (120000)\r
78 #define DEFAULT_CODE_SIZE (300000)\r
79 \r
80 /* Initialize globals in a function to simplify loading on\r
81  * embedded systems which may not support initialization of data section.\r
82  */\r
83 static void pfInit( void )\r
84 {\r
85 /* all zero */\r
86         gCurrentTask = NULL;\r
87         gCurrentDictionary = NULL;\r
88         gNumPrimitives = 0;\r
89         gLocalCompiler_XT = 0;\r
90         gVarContext = NULL;   /* Points to last name field. */\r
91         gVarState = 0;        /* 1 if compiling. */\r
92         gVarEcho = 0;       /* Echo input. */\r
93         gVarTraceLevel = 0;   /* Trace Level for Inner Interpreter. */\r
94         gVarTraceFlags = 0;   /* Enable various internal debug messages. */\r
95         gVarQuiet = 0;        /* Suppress unnecessary messages, OK, etc. */\r
96         gVarReturnCode = 0;   /* Returned to caller of Forth, eg. UNIX shell. */\r
97         gIncludeIndex = 0;\r
98         \r
99 /* non-zero */\r
100         gVarBase = 10;        /* Numeric Base. */\r
101         gDepthAtColon = DEPTH_AT_COLON_INVALID;\r
102         gVarTraceStack = 1;  \r
103         \r
104         pfInitMemoryAllocator();\r
105         ioInit();\r
106 }\r
107 static void pfTerm( void )\r
108 {\r
109         ioTerm();\r
110 }\r
111 \r
112 /***************************************************************\r
113 ** Task Management\r
114 ***************************************************************/\r
115 \r
116 void pfDeleteTask( PForthTask task )\r
117 {\r
118         pfTaskData_t *cftd = (pfTaskData_t *)task;\r
119         FREE_VAR( cftd->td_ReturnLimit );\r
120         FREE_VAR( cftd->td_StackLimit );\r
121         pfFreeMem( cftd );\r
122 }\r
123 \r
124 /* Allocate some extra cells to protect against mild stack underflows. */\r
125 #define STACK_SAFETY  (8)\r
126 PForthTask pfCreateTask( int32 UserStackDepth, int32 ReturnStackDepth )\r
127 {\r
128         pfTaskData_t *cftd;\r
129 \r
130         cftd = ( pfTaskData_t * ) pfAllocMem( sizeof( pfTaskData_t ) );\r
131         if( !cftd ) goto nomem;\r
132         pfSetMemory( cftd, 0, sizeof( pfTaskData_t ));\r
133 \r
134 /* Allocate User Stack */\r
135         cftd->td_StackLimit = (cell *) pfAllocMem((uint32)(sizeof(int32) *\r
136                                 (UserStackDepth + STACK_SAFETY)));\r
137         if( !cftd->td_StackLimit ) goto nomem;\r
138         cftd->td_StackBase = cftd->td_StackLimit + UserStackDepth;\r
139         cftd->td_StackPtr = cftd->td_StackBase;\r
140 \r
141 /* Allocate Return Stack */\r
142         cftd->td_ReturnLimit = (cell *) pfAllocMem((uint32)(sizeof(int32) * ReturnStackDepth) );\r
143         if( !cftd->td_ReturnLimit ) goto nomem;\r
144         cftd->td_ReturnBase = cftd->td_ReturnLimit + ReturnStackDepth;\r
145         cftd->td_ReturnPtr = cftd->td_ReturnBase;\r
146 \r
147 /* Allocate Float Stack */\r
148 #ifdef PF_SUPPORT_FP\r
149 /* Allocate room for as many Floats as we do regular data. */\r
150         cftd->td_FloatStackLimit = (PF_FLOAT *) pfAllocMem((uint32)(sizeof(PF_FLOAT) *\r
151                                 (UserStackDepth + STACK_SAFETY)));\r
152         if( !cftd->td_FloatStackLimit ) goto nomem;\r
153         cftd->td_FloatStackBase = cftd->td_FloatStackLimit + UserStackDepth;\r
154         cftd->td_FloatStackPtr = cftd->td_FloatStackBase;\r
155 #endif\r
156 \r
157         cftd->td_InputStream = PF_STDIN;\r
158 \r
159         cftd->td_SourcePtr = &cftd->td_TIB[0];\r
160         cftd->td_SourceNum = 0;\r
161         \r
162         return (PForthTask) cftd;\r
163 \r
164 nomem:\r
165         ERR("CreateTaskContext: insufficient memory.\n");\r
166         if( cftd ) pfDeleteTask( (PForthTask) cftd );\r
167         return NULL;\r
168 }\r
169 \r
170 /***************************************************************\r
171 ** Dictionary Management\r
172 ***************************************************************/\r
173 \r
174 int32 pfExecIfDefined( const char *CString )\r
175 {\r
176         int result = 0;\r
177         if( NAME_BASE != NULL)\r
178         {\r
179                 ExecToken  XT;\r
180                 if( ffFindC( CString, &XT ) )\r
181                 {\r
182                         result = pfCatch( XT );\r
183                 }\r
184         }\r
185         return result;\r
186 }\r
187 \r
188 /***************************************************************\r
189 ** Delete a dictionary created by pfCreateDictionary()\r
190 */\r
191 void pfDeleteDictionary( PForthDictionary dictionary )\r
192 {\r
193         pfDictionary_t *dic = (pfDictionary_t *) dictionary;\r
194         if( !dic ) return;\r
195         \r
196         if( dic->dic_Flags & PF_DICF_ALLOCATED_SEGMENTS )\r
197         {\r
198                 FREE_VAR( dic->dic_HeaderBaseUnaligned );\r
199                 FREE_VAR( dic->dic_CodeBaseUnaligned );\r
200         }\r
201         pfFreeMem( dic );\r
202 }\r
203 \r
204 /***************************************************************\r
205 ** Create a complete dictionary.\r
206 ** The dictionary consists of two parts, the header with the names,\r
207 ** and the code portion.\r
208 ** Delete using pfDeleteDictionary().\r
209 ** Return pointer to dictionary management structure.\r
210 */\r
211 PForthDictionary pfCreateDictionary( int32 HeaderSize, int32 CodeSize )\r
212 {\r
213 /* Allocate memory for initial dictionary. */\r
214         pfDictionary_t *dic;\r
215 \r
216         dic = ( pfDictionary_t * ) pfAllocMem( sizeof( pfDictionary_t ) );\r
217         if( !dic ) goto nomem;\r
218         pfSetMemory( dic, 0, sizeof( pfDictionary_t ));\r
219 \r
220         dic->dic_Flags |= PF_DICF_ALLOCATED_SEGMENTS;\r
221 \r
222 /* Align dictionary segments to preserve alignment of floats across hosts.\r
223  * Thank you Helmut Proelss for pointing out that this needs to be cast\r
224  * to (uint32) on 16 bit systems.\r
225  */\r
226 #define DIC_ALIGNMENT_SIZE  ((uint32)(0x10))\r
227 #define DIC_ALIGN(addr)  ((uint8 *)((((uint32)(addr)) + DIC_ALIGNMENT_SIZE - 1) & ~(DIC_ALIGNMENT_SIZE - 1)))\r
228 \r
229 /* Allocate memory for header. */\r
230         if( HeaderSize > 0 )\r
231         {\r
232                 dic->dic_HeaderBaseUnaligned = ( uint8 * ) pfAllocMem( (uint32) HeaderSize + DIC_ALIGNMENT_SIZE );\r
233                 if( !dic->dic_HeaderBaseUnaligned ) goto nomem;\r
234 /* Align header base. */\r
235                 dic->dic_HeaderBase = DIC_ALIGN(dic->dic_HeaderBaseUnaligned);\r
236                 pfSetMemory( dic->dic_HeaderBase, 0xA5, (uint32) HeaderSize);\r
237                 dic->dic_HeaderLimit = dic->dic_HeaderBase + HeaderSize;\r
238                 dic->dic_HeaderPtr.Byte = dic->dic_HeaderBase;\r
239         }\r
240         else\r
241         {\r
242                 dic->dic_HeaderBase = NULL;\r
243         }\r
244 \r
245 /* Allocate memory for code. */\r
246         dic->dic_CodeBaseUnaligned = ( uint8 * ) pfAllocMem( (uint32) CodeSize + DIC_ALIGNMENT_SIZE );\r
247         if( !dic->dic_CodeBaseUnaligned ) goto nomem;\r
248         dic->dic_CodeBase = DIC_ALIGN(dic->dic_CodeBaseUnaligned);\r
249         pfSetMemory( dic->dic_CodeBase, 0x5A, (uint32) CodeSize);\r
250 \r
251         dic->dic_CodeLimit = dic->dic_CodeBase + CodeSize;\r
252         dic->dic_CodePtr.Byte = dic->dic_CodeBase + QUADUP(NUM_PRIMITIVES); \r
253         \r
254         return (PForthDictionary) dic;\r
255 nomem:\r
256         pfDeleteDictionary( dic );\r
257         return NULL;\r
258 }\r
259 \r
260 /***************************************************************\r
261 ** Used by Quit and other routines to restore system.\r
262 ***************************************************************/\r
263 \r
264 static void pfResetForthTask( void )\r
265 {\r
266 /* Go back to terminal input. */\r
267         gCurrentTask->td_InputStream = PF_STDIN;\r
268         \r
269 /* Reset stacks. */\r
270         gCurrentTask->td_StackPtr = gCurrentTask->td_StackBase;\r
271         gCurrentTask->td_ReturnPtr = gCurrentTask->td_ReturnBase;\r
272 #ifdef PF_SUPPORT_FP  /* Reset Floating Point stack too! */\r
273         gCurrentTask->td_FloatStackPtr = gCurrentTask->td_FloatStackBase;\r
274 #endif\r
275 \r
276 /* Advance >IN to end of input. */\r
277         gCurrentTask->td_IN = gCurrentTask->td_SourceNum;\r
278         gVarState = 0;\r
279 }\r
280 \r
281 /***************************************************************\r
282 ** Set current task context.\r
283 ***************************************************************/\r
284 \r
285 void pfSetCurrentTask( PForthTask task )\r
286 {       \r
287         gCurrentTask = (pfTaskData_t *) task;\r
288 }\r
289 \r
290 /***************************************************************\r
291 ** Set Quiet Flag.\r
292 ***************************************************************/\r
293 \r
294 void pfSetQuiet( int32 IfQuiet )\r
295 {       \r
296         gVarQuiet = (cell) IfQuiet;\r
297 }\r
298 \r
299 /***************************************************************\r
300 ** Query message status.\r
301 ***************************************************************/\r
302 \r
303 int32  pfQueryQuiet( void )\r
304 {       \r
305         return gVarQuiet;\r
306 }\r
307 \r
308 /***************************************************************\r
309 ** Top level interpreter.\r
310 ***************************************************************/\r
311 ThrowCode pfQuit( void )\r
312 {\r
313         ThrowCode exception;\r
314         int go = 1;\r
315         \r
316         while(go)\r
317         {\r
318                 exception = ffOuterInterpreterLoop();\r
319                 if( exception == 0 )\r
320                 {\r
321                         exception = ffOK();\r
322                 }\r
323 \r
324                 switch( exception )\r
325                 {\r
326                 case 0:\r
327                         break;\r
328 \r
329                 case THROW_BYE:\r
330                         go = 0;\r
331                         break;\r
332 \r
333                 case THROW_ABORT:\r
334                 default:\r
335                         ffDotS();\r
336                         pfReportThrow( exception );\r
337                         pfHandleIncludeError();\r
338                         pfResetForthTask();\r
339                         break;\r
340                 }\r
341         }\r
342 \r
343         return gVarReturnCode;\r
344 }\r
345 \r
346 /***************************************************************\r
347 ** Include file based on 'C' name.\r
348 ***************************************************************/\r
349 \r
350 int32 pfIncludeFile( const char *FileName )\r
351 {\r
352         FileStream *fid;\r
353         int32 Result;\r
354         char  buffer[32];\r
355         int32 numChars, len;\r
356         \r
357 /* Open file. */\r
358         fid = sdOpenFile( FileName, "r" );\r
359         if( fid == NULL )\r
360         {\r
361                 ERR("pfIncludeFile could not open ");\r
362                 ERR(FileName);\r
363                 EMIT_CR;\r
364                 return -1;\r
365         }\r
366         \r
367 /* Create a dictionary word named ::::FileName for FILE? */\r
368         pfCopyMemory( &buffer[0], "::::", 4);\r
369         len = (int32) pfCStringLength(FileName);\r
370         numChars = ( len > (32-4-1) ) ? (32-4-1) : len;\r
371         pfCopyMemory( &buffer[4], &FileName[len-numChars], numChars+1 );\r
372         CreateDicEntryC( ID_NOOP, buffer, 0 );\r
373         \r
374         Result = ffIncludeFile( fid );\r
375         \r
376 /* Create a dictionary word named ;;;; for FILE? */\r
377         CreateDicEntryC( ID_NOOP, ";;;;", 0 );\r
378         \r
379         sdCloseFile(fid);\r
380         return Result;\r
381 }\r
382 \r
383 /***************************************************************\r
384 ** Output 'C' string message.\r
385 ** Use sdTerminalOut which works before initializing gCurrentTask.\r
386 ***************************************************************/\r
387 void pfDebugMessage( const char *CString )\r
388 {\r
389 #if 0\r
390         while( *CString )\r
391         {\r
392                 char c = *CString++;\r
393                 if( c == '\n' )\r
394                 {\r
395                         sdTerminalOut( 0x0D );\r
396                         sdTerminalOut( 0x0A );\r
397                         pfDebugMessage( "DBG: " );\r
398                 }\r
399                 else\r
400                 {\r
401                         sdTerminalOut( c );\r
402                 }\r
403         }\r
404 #else\r
405         (void)CString;\r
406 #endif\r
407 }\r
408 \r
409 /***************************************************************\r
410 ** Print a decimal number to debug output.\r
411 */\r
412 void pfDebugPrintDecimalNumber( int n )\r
413 {\r
414         pfDebugMessage( ConvertNumberToText( n, 10, TRUE, 1 ) );\r
415 }\r
416 \r
417 \r
418 /***************************************************************\r
419 ** Output 'C' string message.\r
420 ** This is provided to help avoid the use of printf() and other I/O\r
421 ** which may not be present on a small embedded system.\r
422 ** Uses ioType & ioEmit so requires that gCurrentTask has been initialized.\r
423 ***************************************************************/\r
424 void pfMessage( const char *CString )\r
425 {\r
426         ioType( CString, (int32) pfCStringLength(CString) );\r
427 }\r
428 \r
429 /**************************************************************************\r
430 ** Main entry point fo pForth\r
431 */\r
432 int32 pfDoForth( const char *DicName, const char *SourceName, int32 IfInit )\r
433 {\r
434         pfTaskData_t *cftd;\r
435         pfDictionary_t *dic = NULL;\r
436         int32 Result = 0;\r
437         ExecToken  EntryPoint = 0;\r
438         \r
439 \r
440 #ifdef PF_USER_INIT\r
441         Result = PF_USER_INIT;\r
442         if( Result < 0 ) goto error;\r
443 #endif\r
444 \r
445         pfInit();\r
446         \r
447         \r
448 /* Allocate Task structure. */\r
449         pfDebugMessage("pfDoForth: call pfCreateTask()\n");\r
450         cftd = pfCreateTask( DEFAULT_USER_DEPTH, DEFAULT_RETURN_DEPTH );\r
451 \r
452         if( cftd )\r
453         {\r
454                 pfSetCurrentTask( cftd );\r
455                 \r
456                 if( !pfQueryQuiet() )\r
457                 {\r
458                         MSG( "PForth V"PFORTH_VERSION );\r
459                         if( IsHostLittleEndian() ) MSG("LE");\r
460                         else MSG("BE");\r
462             MSG("/BE");\r
464             MSG("/LE");\r
465 #endif\r
466                         MSG( ", built "__DATE__" "__TIME__ );\r
467                 }\r
468 \r
469 /* Don't use MSG before task set. */\r
470                 if( SourceName )\r
471                 {\r
472                         pfDebugMessage("SourceName = "); pfDebugMessage(SourceName); pfDebugMessage("\n");\r
473                 }\r
474 \r
475 \r
476 #ifdef PF_NO_GLOBAL_INIT\r
477                 if( LoadCustomFunctionTable() < 0 ) goto error; /* Init custom 'C' call array. */\r
478 #endif\r
479 \r
480 #if (!defined(PF_NO_INIT)) && (!defined(PF_NO_SHELL))\r
481                 if( IfInit )\r
482                 {\r
483                         pfDebugMessage("Build dictionary from scratch.\n");\r
484                         dic = pfBuildDictionary( DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE, DEFAULT_CODE_SIZE );\r
485                 }\r
486                 else\r
487 #else\r
488                 TOUCH(IfInit);\r
489 #endif /* !PF_NO_INIT && !PF_NO_SHELL*/\r
490                 {\r
491                         if( DicName )\r
492                         {\r
493                                 pfDebugMessage("DicName = "); pfDebugMessage(DicName); pfDebugMessage("\n");\r
494                                 EMIT_CR;\r
495                                 dic = pfLoadDictionary( DicName, &EntryPoint );\r
496                         }\r
497                         else\r
498                         {\r
499                                 MSG(" (static)");\r
500                                 EMIT_CR;\r
501                                 dic = pfLoadStaticDictionary();                 \r
502                         }\r
503                 }\r
504                 if( dic == NULL ) goto error;\r
505                 EMIT_CR;\r
506 \r
507                 pfDebugMessage("pfDoForth: try AUTO.INIT\n");\r
508                 Result = pfExecIfDefined("AUTO.INIT");\r
509                 if( Result != 0 )\r
510                 {\r
511                         MSG("Error in AUTO.INIT");\r
512                         goto error;\r
513                 }\r
514 \r
515                 if( EntryPoint != 0 )\r
516                 {\r
517                         Result = pfCatch( EntryPoint );\r
518                 }\r
519 #ifndef PF_NO_SHELL\r
520                 else\r
521                 {\r
522                         if( SourceName == NULL )\r
523                         {\r
524                                 pfDebugMessage("pfDoForth: pfQuit\n");\r
525                                 Result = pfQuit();\r
526                         }\r
527                         else\r
528                         {\r
529                                 if( !gVarQuiet )\r
530                                 {\r
531                                         MSG("Including: ");\r
532                                         MSG(SourceName);\r
533                                         MSG("\n");\r
534                                 }\r
535                                 Result = pfIncludeFile( SourceName );\r
536                         }\r
537                 }\r
538 #endif /* PF_NO_SHELL */\r
539 \r
540         /* Clean up after running Forth. */\r
541                 pfExecIfDefined("AUTO.TERM");\r
542                 pfDeleteDictionary( dic );\r
543                 pfDeleteTask( cftd );\r
544         }\r
545                 \r
546         pfTerm();\r
547 \r
548 #ifdef PF_USER_TERM\r
549         PF_USER_TERM;\r
550 #endif\r
551         \r
552         return Result;\r
553         \r
554 error:\r
555         MSG("pfDoForth: Error occured.\n");\r
556         pfDeleteTask( cftd );\r
557         return -1;\r
558 }\r