]> git.gag.com Git - debian/openrocket/blob - core/resources/datafiles/thrustcurves/Apogee_C10.rse
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[debian/openrocket] / core / resources / datafiles / thrustcurves / Apogee_C10.rse
1 <engine-database>\r
2  <engine-list>\r
3 <engine FDiv="10" FFix="1" FStep="-1." Isp="199.04" Itot="9.564" Type="single-use" auto-calc-cg="1" auto-calc-mass="1" avgThrust="9.963" burn-time="0.96" cgDiv="10" cgFix="1" cgStep="-1." code="C10" delays="4,7,10" dia="18." exitDia="0." initWt="17.6" len="50." mDiv="10" mFix="1" mStep="-1." massFrac="27.84" mfg="Apogee" peakThrust="25.72" propWt="4.9" tDiv="10" tFix="1" tStep="-1." throatDia="0.">\r
4 <comments>Apogee C10 RASP.ENG file made from NAR published data\r
5 File produced September 4, 2000\r
6 The total impulse, peak thrust, average thrust and burn time are\r
7 the same as the averaged static test data on the NAR web site in\r
8 the certification file. The curve drawn with these data points is as\r
9 close to the certification curve as can be with such a limited\r
10 number of points (32) allowed with wRASP up to v1.6.\r
11 </comments>\r
12 <data>\r
13 <eng-data cg="25." f="0." m="4.9" t="0."/>\r
14 <eng-data cg="25." f="2.712" m="4.89305" t="0.01"/>\r
15 <eng-data cg="25." f="5.842" m="4.87333" t="0.019"/>\r
16 <eng-data cg="25." f="17.116" m="4.81452" t="0.029"/>\r
17 <eng-data cg="25." f="25.72" m="4.72674" t="0.037"/>\r
18 <eng-data cg="25." f="22.535" m="4.55368" t="0.051"/>\r
19 <eng-data cg="25." f="20.446" m="4.34449" t="0.07"/>\r
20 <eng-data cg="25." f="18.983" m="3.98089" t="0.106"/>\r
21 <eng-data cg="25." f="17.085" m="3.44501" t="0.164"/>\r
22 <eng-data cg="25." f="17.085" m="3.23494" t="0.188"/>\r
23 <eng-data cg="25." f="15.824" m="3.13378" t="0.2"/>\r
24 <eng-data cg="25." f="16.036" m="3.0032" t="0.216"/>\r
25 <eng-data cg="25." f="15.602" m="2.68712" t="0.255"/>\r
26 <eng-data cg="25." f="14.35" m="2.39557" t="0.293"/>\r
27 <eng-data cg="25." f="13.503" m="2.03882" t="0.343"/>\r
28 <eng-data cg="25." f="12.655" m="1.69709" t="0.394"/>\r
29 <eng-data cg="25." f="11.605" m="1.59766" t="0.41"/>\r
30 <eng-data cg="25." f="11.605" m="1.45497" t="0.434"/>\r
31 <eng-data cg="25." f="9.287" m="0.989366" t="0.521"/>\r
32 <eng-data cg="25." f="6.34" m="0.549032" t="0.631"/>\r
33 <eng-data cg="25." f="4.021" m="0.257083" t="0.741"/>\r
34 <eng-data cg="25." f="2.119" m="0.0840711" t="0.851"/>\r
35 <eng-data cg="25." f="1.48" m="0.0287557" t="0.911"/>\r
36 <eng-data cg="25." f="1.264" m="0.00485682" t="0.945"/>\r
37 <eng-data cg="25." f="0." m="-0." t="0.96"/>\r
38 </data>\r
39 </engine>\r
40  </engine-list>\r
41 </engine-database>\r