* configure.in, Makefile.common.in: add support for ccache,
[fw/sdcc] / as / z80 / itsta.asm
1                 .include        "incld1.asm"            ;1
2                                                         ;2
3                                                         ;3
4                                                         ;4
5                                                         ;5
6                                                         ;6
7                                                         ;7
8                                                         ;8
9                                                         ;9
10                                                         ;10
11                 xxx                                     ;11
12 ;
13 ;       This is a simple test of the error reporting
14 ;       for source and include files.
15 ;
16 ;       assemble inctst:
17 ;               asxxxx itsta itstb
18 ;
19 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 1 of incld1.asm
20 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 2 of incld2.asm
21 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 3 of incld3.asm
22 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 4 of incld4.asm
23 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 5 of incld5.asm
24 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<i> in line 6 of incld5.asm
25 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 10 of incld5.asm
26 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 9 of incld4.asm
27 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 8 of incld3.asm
28 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 7 of incld2.asm
29 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 6 of incld1.asm
30 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 11 of itsta.asm
31 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 1 of incld1.asm
32 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 2 of incld2.asm
33 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 3 of incld3.asm
34 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 4 of incld4.asm
35 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 5 of incld5.asm
36 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<i> in line 6 of incld5.asm
37 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 10 of incld5.asm
38 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 9 of incld4.asm
39 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 8 of incld3.asm
40 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 7 of incld2.asm
41 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 6 of incld1.asm
42 ;       ?ASxxxx-E-<o> in line 11 of itstb.asm