# intentionally want to rebuild drc and bom on every invocation all: drc partslist partslist.csv pcb drc: teleshield.sch Makefile -gnetlist -g drc2 teleshield.sch -o teleshield.drc partslist: teleshield.sch Makefile gnetlist -g bom -o teleshield.unsorted teleshield.sch head -n1 teleshield.unsorted > partslist tail -n+2 teleshield.unsorted | sort >> partslist rm -f teleshield.unsorted partslist.csv: teleshield.sch Makefile gnetlist -m scheme/gnet-partslistgag.scm -g partslistgag \ -o teleshield.unsorted teleshield.sch head -n1 teleshield.unsorted > partslist.csv tail -n+2 teleshield.unsorted | sort -t \, -k 8 >> partslist.csv rm -f teleshield.unsorted pcb: teleshield.sch project Makefile gsch2pcb project teleshield.xy: teleshield.pcb pcb -x bom teleshield.pcb teleshield.bottom.gbr: teleshield.pcb pcb -x gerber teleshield.pcb zip: teleshield.bottom.gbr teleshield.bottommask.gbr teleshield.fab.gbr teleshield.top.gbr teleshield.topmask.gbr teleshield.toppaste.gbr teleshield.topsilk.gbr teleshield.plated-drill.cnc teleshield.xy Makefile # teleshield.xls zip teleshield.zip teleshield.*.gbr teleshield.*.cnc teleshield.xy # teleshield.xls clean: rm -f *.bom *.drc *.log *~ teleshield.ps *.gbr *.cnc *bak* *- *.zip rm -f *.net *.xy *.cmd *.png partslist partslist.csv rm -f *.partslist *.new.pcb *.unsorted teleshield.xls