/* -*- verilog -*- * * USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral * * Copyright (C) 2005 Matt Ettus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * This implements a 31-tap halfband filter that decimates by two. * The coefficients are symmetric, and with the exception of the middle tap, * every other coefficient is zero. The middle section of taps looks like this: * * ..., -1468, 0, 2950, 0, -6158, 0, 20585, 32768, 20585, 0, -6158, 0, 2950, 0, -1468, ... * | * middle tap -------+ * * See coeff_rom.v for the full set. The taps are scaled relative to 32768, * thus the middle tap equals 1.0. Not counting the middle tap, there are 8 * non-zero taps on each side, and they are symmetric. A naive implementation * requires a mulitply for each non-zero tap. Because of symmetry, we can * replace 2 multiplies with 1 add and 1 multiply. Thus, to compute each output * sample, we need to perform 8 multiplications. Since the middle tap is 1.0, * we just add the corresponding delay line value. * * About timing: We implement this with a single multiplier, so it takes * 8 cycles to compute a single output. However, since we're decimating by two * we can accept a new input value every 4 cycles. strobe_in is asserted when * there's a new input sample available. Depending on the overall decimation * rate, strobe_in may be asserted less frequently than once every 4 clocks. * On the output side, we assert strobe_out when output contains a new sample. * * Implementation: Every time strobe_in is asserted we store the new data into * the delay line. We split the delay line into two components, one for the * even samples, and one for the odd samples. ram16_odd is the delay line for * the odd samples. This ram is written on each odd assertion of strobe_in, and * is read on each clock when we're computing the dot product. ram16_even is * similar, although because it holds the even samples we must be able to read * two samples from different addresses at the same time, while writing the incoming * even samples. Thus it's "triple-ported". */ module halfband_decim (input clock, input reset, input enable, input strobe_in, output wire strobe_out, input wire [15:0] data_in, output reg [15:0] data_out,output wire [15:0] debugctrl); reg [3:0] rd_addr1; reg [3:0] rd_addr2; reg [3:0] phase; reg [3:0] base_addr; wire signed [15:0] mac_out,middle_data, sum, coeff; wire signed [30:0] product; wire signed [33:0] sum_even; wire clear; reg store_odd; always @(posedge clock) if(reset) store_odd <= #1 1'b0; else if(strobe_in) store_odd <= #1 ~store_odd; wire start = strobe_in & store_odd; always @(posedge clock) if(reset) base_addr <= #1 4'd0; else if(start) base_addr <= #1 base_addr + 4'd1; always @(posedge clock) if(reset) phase <= #1 4'd8; else if (start) phase <= #1 4'd0; else if(phase != 4'd8) phase <= #1 phase + 4'd1; reg start_d1,start_d2,start_d3,start_d4,start_d5,start_d6,start_d7,start_d8,start_d9,start_dA,start_dB,start_dC,start_dD; always @(posedge clock) begin start_d1 <= #1 start; start_d2 <= #1 start_d1; start_d3 <= #1 start_d2; start_d4 <= #1 start_d3; start_d5 <= #1 start_d4; start_d6 <= #1 start_d5; start_d7 <= #1 start_d6; start_d8 <= #1 start_d7; start_d9 <= #1 start_d8; start_dA <= #1 start_d9; start_dB <= #1 start_dA; start_dC <= #1 start_dB; start_dD <= #1 start_dC; end // always @ (posedge clock) reg mult_en, mult_en_pre; always @(posedge clock) begin mult_en_pre <= #1 phase!=8; mult_en <= #1 mult_en_pre; end assign clear = start_d4; // was dC wire latch_result = start_d4; // was dC assign strobe_out = start_d5; // was dD wire acc_en; always @* case(phase[2:0]) 3'd0 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd0; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd15; end 3'd1 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd1; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd14; end 3'd2 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd2; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd13; end 3'd3 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd3; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd12; end 3'd4 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd4; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd11; end 3'd5 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd5; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd10; end 3'd6 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd6; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd9; end 3'd7 : begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd7; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd8; end default: begin rd_addr1 = base_addr + 4'd0; rd_addr2 = base_addr + 4'd15; end endcase // case(phase) coeff_rom coeff_rom (.clock(clock),.addr(phase[2:0]-3'd1),.data(coeff)); ram16_2sum ram16_even (.clock(clock),.write(strobe_in & ~store_odd), .wr_addr(base_addr),.wr_data(data_in), .rd_addr1(rd_addr1),.rd_addr2(rd_addr2), .sum(sum)); ram16 ram16_odd (.clock(clock),.write(strobe_in & store_odd), // Holds middle items .wr_addr(base_addr),.wr_data(data_in), //.rd_addr(base_addr+4'd7),.rd_data(middle_data)); .rd_addr(base_addr+4'd6),.rd_data(middle_data)); mult mult(.clock(clock),.x(coeff),.y(sum),.product(product),.enable_in(mult_en),.enable_out(acc_en)); acc acc(.clock(clock),.reset(reset),.enable_in(acc_en),.enable_out(), .clear(clear),.addend(product),.sum(sum_even)); wire signed [33:0] dout = sum_even + {{4{middle_data[15]}},middle_data,14'b0}; // We already divided product by 2!!!! always @(posedge clock) if(reset) data_out <= #1 16'd0; else if(latch_result) data_out <= #1 dout[30:15] + (dout[33]& |dout[14:0]); assign debugctrl = { clock,reset,acc_en,mult_en,clear,latch_result,store_odd,strobe_in,strobe_out,phase}; endmodule // halfband_decim