/* * Copyright (c) Zmanda, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * Contact information: Zmanda Inc., 505 N Mathlida Ave, Suite 120 * Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA, or: http://www.zmanda.com */ %module "Amanda::Logfile" %include "amglue/amglue.swg" %include "exception.i" %include "amglue/dumpspecs.swg" %import "Amanda/Cmdline.swg" %{ #include #include "logfile.h" #include "find.h" #include "diskfile.h" /* for the gross hack, below */ %} %perlcode %{ =head1 NAME Amanda::Logfile - manage Amanda trace logs =head1 SYNOPSIS use Amanda::Logfile qw(:logtype_t); # XXX change use Amanda::Config qw( :getconf config_dir_relative ); for my $logfile (Amanda::Logfile::find_log()) { $logfile = config_dir_relative(getconf($CNF_LOGDIR)) . "/" . $logfile; my $hdl = Amanda::Logfile::open_logfile($logfile); while (my ($type, $prog, $str) = Amanda::Logfile::get_logline($hdl)) { if ($type == $L_INFO) { my $pname = Amanda::Logfile::program_t_to_string($prog); print "Found info line from $pname: $str\n"; } } Amanda::Logfile::close_logfile($log); my @dumps = Amanda::Logfile::search_logfile("TapeLabel-001", "19780615", $logfile); my @matching = Amanda::Logfile::dumps_match([@dumps], "myhost", "/usr", undef, undef, 0); for my $dump (@matching) { print "$dump->{'label'}:$dump->{'filenum'} = $dump->{'hostname'}:$dump->{'disk'}\n"; } } =head1 API STATUS Stabilizing =head1 RAW LOGFILE ACCESS This section corresponds to the C C module. Raw access to logfiles is accomplished by opening a logfile and fetching log lines one by one via the C function. A log line is represented by a list C<($type, $prog, $string)> where C<$type> is one of the C constants (available in export tag C), C<$prog> is one of the C constants (available in export tag C), and C<$str> is the remainder of the line. Both families of constants can be converted to symbolic names with C and C, respectively. =head2 FUNCTIONS =over =item C Opens a logfile for reading, returning an opaque log file handle. =item C Closes a log file handle. =item C Return a list as described above representing the next log line in C<$handle>, or nothing at the end of the logfile. =back All of these functions can be imported by name if desired. =head1 Amanda::Find::find_result_t objects These objects contain information about dumps, as read from logfiles. Instance variables are: =over =item C<$timestamp> =item C<$hostname> =item C<$diskname> =item C<$level> =item C<$label> =item C<$filenum> =item C<$status> =item C<$partnum> =back =head1 HIGHER-LEVEL FUNCTIONS Functions in this section extract information from logfiles. =over =item C Return a list of logfiles for active tapes. The tapelist must be loaded before this function is called (see L). =item C Return all results in C<$logfile> matching C<$label> and C<$datestamp>. If C<$add_missing_disks> is true, then any disks in the logfile not present in the disklist are added to the disklist; otherwise, such dumps are skipped. =item C Return a filtered version of C<@results> containing only results that match the given expressions. If C<$ok> is true, don't match partial results. Note that C<$level> is given as a string, since it is a match expression. All of these functions can be imported by name. =cut %} amglue_export_ok( open_logfile get_logline close_logfile ); amglue_add_enum_tag_fns(logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_BOGUS, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_FATAL, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_ERROR, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_WARNING, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_INFO, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_SUMMARY, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_START, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_FINISH, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_DISK, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_DONE, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_PART, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_PARTPARTIAL, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_SUCCESS, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_PARTIAL, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_FAIL, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_STRANGE, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_CHUNK, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_CHUNKSUCCESS, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_STATS, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_MARKER, logtype_t); amglue_add_constant(L_CONT, logtype_t); amglue_add_enum_tag_fns(program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_UNKNOWN, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_PLANNER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_DRIVER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_REPORTER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_DUMPER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_CHUNKER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_TAPER, program_t); amglue_add_constant(P_AMFLUSH, program_t); /* TODO: support for writing logfiles is omitted for the moment. */ %inline %{ /* open_ and close_logfile are both simple wrappers around fopen/fclose. */ typedef FILE loghandle; loghandle *open_logfile(char *filename) { return fopen(filename, "r"); } %} %inline %{ void close_logfile(loghandle *logfile) { if (logfile) fclose(logfile); } %} /* We fake the return type of get_logline, and use a typemap to * slurp curstr, curprog, and curlog into a return value. */ %{ typedef int LOGLINE_RETURN; %} %typemap(out) LOGLINE_RETURN { if ($1 != 0) { EXTEND(SP, 3); $result = sv_2mortal(newSViv(curlog)); argvi++; $result = sv_2mortal(newSViv(curprog)); argvi++; $result = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(curstr, 0)); argvi++; } /* otherwise (end of logfile) return an empty list */ } LOGLINE_RETURN get_logline(FILE *logfile); typedef struct { %extend { /* destructor */ ~find_result_t() { find_result_t *selfp = self; free_find_result(&selfp); } } %immutable; char *timestamp; char *hostname; char *diskname; int level; char *label; off_t filenum; char *status; char *partnum; %mutable; } find_result_t; /* This typemap is used in a few functions. It converts a linked list of find_result_t's * into an array of same, de-linking the list in the process. This gives ownership of the * objects to perl, which is consistent with the C interface to this module. */ %typemap(out) find_result_t * { find_result_t *iter; int len; /* measure the list and make room on the perl stack */ for (len=0, iter=$1; iter; iter=iter->next) len++; EXTEND(SP, len); iter = $1; while (iter) { find_result_t *next; /* Let SWIG take ownership of the object */ $result = SWIG_NewPointerObj(iter, $descriptor(find_result_t *), SWIG_OWNER | SWIG_SHADOW); argvi++; /* null out the 'next' field */ next = iter->next; iter->next = NULL; iter = next; } } /* Similarly, on input we link an array full of find_result_t's. The list is then * unlinked on return. Note that the array is supplied as an arrayref (since it's * usually the first argument). */ %typemap(in) find_result_t * { AV *av; I32 len, i; find_result_t *head = NULL, *tail = NULL; if (!SvROK($input) || SvTYPE(SvRV($input)) != SVt_PVAV) { SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "expected an arrayref of find_result_t's"); } av = (AV *)SvRV($input); len = av_len(av) + 1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { SV **val = av_fetch(av, i, 0); find_result_t *r; if (!val || SWIG_ConvertPtr(*val, (void **)&r, $descriptor(find_result_t *), 0) == -1) { SWIG_exception(SWIG_TypeError, "array member is not a find_result_t"); } if (!head) { head = tail = r; } else { tail->next = r; tail = r; } tail->next = NULL; } /* point to the head of that list */ $1 = head; } %typemap(freearg) find_result_t * { find_result_t *iter = $1, *next; /* undo all the links we added earlier */ while (iter) { next = iter->next; iter->next = NULL; iter = next; } } %typemap(out) char ** { char **iter; int len, i; /* measure the length of the array and make sure perl has enough room */ for (len=0, iter=$1; *iter; iter++) len++; EXTEND(SP, len); /* now copy it to the perl stack */ for (i=0, iter=$1; *iter; iter++, i++) { $result = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(*iter, 0)); argvi++; } } amglue_export_ok( find_log search_logfile dumps_match ); char **find_log(void); %rename(search_logfile) search_logfile_wrap; %inline %{ find_result_t *search_logfile_wrap(char *label, char *datestamp, char *logfile, int add_missing_disks) { find_result_t *rv = NULL; /* We use a static variable to collect any unrecognized disks */ static disklist_t unrecognized_disks = { NULL, NULL }; search_logfile(&rv, label, datestamp, logfile, add_missing_disks? &unrecognized_disks : NULL); return rv; } %} find_result_t *dumps_match(find_result_t *output_find, char *hostname, char *diskname, char *datestamp, char *level, int ok); find_result_t *dumps_match_dumpspecs(find_result_t *output_find, amglue_dumpspec_list *dumpspecs, gboolean ok);