/* * Copyright (c) 2008,2009 Zmanda, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact information: Zmanda Inc., 465 S. Mathilda Ave., Suite 300 * Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA, or: http://www.zmanda.com */ %module "Amanda::Disklist" %include "amglue/amglue.swg" %include "exception.i" %import "Amanda/Config.swg" %include "Amanda/Disklist.pod" %{ #include "conffile.h" #include "diskfile.h" #include "amglue.h" %} %perlcode %{ use Amanda::Debug qw( :logging ); use Amanda::Config qw( :getconf config_dir_relative ); %} /* handle creation of opaque objects from Amanda::Config */ %types(interface_t *, dumptype_t *); %{ /* Utility functions for read_disklist_internal */ #define hv_store_const(h, k, v) hv_store((h), (k), sizeof((k))-1, (v), 0) #define safe_newSVpv(str) ((str)? newSVpv((str), 0) : &PL_sv_undef) static SV * get_iface( HV *ifaces, char *ifaceclass, netif_t *iface) { char *name = interface_name(iface->config); HV *ifaceclass_stash = NULL; SV **svp; svp = hv_fetch(ifaces, name, strlen(name), TRUE); if (!svp) croak("internal error"); /* shouldn't happen with lval = TRUE */ if (!SvOK(*svp)) { /* no existing iface, so set up a new one */ HV *h; SV *ref; /* make a new hashref and bless it */ h = newHV(); ref = newRV_noinc((SV *)h); if (!ifaceclass_stash) { ifaceclass_stash = gv_stashpv(ifaceclass, GV_ADD); } sv_bless(ref, ifaceclass_stash); sv_setsv(*svp, ref); /* fill in the relevant value - a reference to the config */ hv_store_const(h, "config", SvREFCNT_inc( SWIG_NewPointerObj(iface->config, /* can't use $descriptor here.. */ SWIGTYPE_p_interface_t, 0))); } return *svp; } static SV * get_host( HV *hosts, char *hostclass, HV *ifaces, char *ifaceclass, disk_t *dp) { HV *hostclass_stash = NULL; SV **svp; SV *sv; AV *disksarray; svp = hv_fetch(hosts, dp->hostname, strlen(dp->hostname), TRUE); if (!svp) croak("internal error"); /* shouldn't happen with lval = TRUE */ if (SvOK(*svp)) { /* this host already exists */ } else { /* no existing host, so set up a new one */ HV *h; SV *ref; /* make a new hashref and bless it */ h = newHV(); ref = newRV_noinc((SV *)h); g_assert(SvREFCNT((SV *)h) == 1); if (!hostclass_stash) { hostclass_stash = gv_stashpv(hostclass, GV_ADD); } sv_bless(ref, hostclass_stash); sv_setsv(*svp, ref); g_assert(SvREFCNT(*svp) == 1); /* fill in the relevant values */ hv_store_const(h, "hostname", safe_newSVpv(dp->hostname)); hv_store_const(h, "amandad_path", safe_newSVpv(dp->amandad_path)); hv_store_const(h, "client_username", safe_newSVpv(dp->client_username)); hv_store_const(h, "ssh_keys", safe_newSVpv(dp->ssh_keys)); hv_store_const(h, "auth", safe_newSVpv(dp->auth)); hv_store_const(h, "maxdumps", newSViv(dp->host->maxdumps)); hv_store_const(h, "disks", newRV_noinc((SV *)newAV())); /* and make a link to the relevant interface object */ ref = get_iface(ifaces, ifaceclass, dp->host->netif); SvREFCNT_inc(ref); hv_store_const(h, "interface", ref); } /* push the name of the disk into @{$self->{disks}}; we don't store * a ref to the disk object, as that would create a circular link */ g_assert(SvROK(*svp)); g_assert(SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) == SVt_PVHV); sv = *hv_fetch((HV *)SvRV(*svp), "disks", sizeof("disks")-1, 0); g_assert(SvROK(sv)); g_assert(SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVAV); av_push((AV *)SvRV(sv), safe_newSVpv(dp->name)); return *svp; } %} /* typemaps to pass AV's and HV's in directly (as perl refs) */ %typemap(in) HV * { if (!SvROK($input) || SvTYPE(SvRV($input)) != SVt_PVHV) { SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_TypeError, "must provide a hashref"); } $1 = (HV *)SvRV($input); } %typemap(in) AV * { if (!SvROK($input) || SvTYPE(SvRV($input)) != SVt_PVAV) { SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_TypeError, "must provide an arrayref"); } $1 = (AV *)SvRV($input); } %inline %{ static cfgerr_level_t read_disklist_internal( char *filename, HV *disks, char *diskclass, HV *hosts, char *hostclass, HV *ifaces, char *ifaceclass) { cfgerr_level_t errlev; disklist_t list; disk_t *dp; HV *diskclass_stash = NULL; hv_clear(hosts); hv_clear(disks); hv_clear(ifaces); errlev = read_diskfile(filename, &list); if (errlev >= CFGERR_ERRORS) return errlev; for (dp = list.head; dp; dp = dp->next) { HV *h = newHV(); SV *diskref; SV *hostref; SV **svp; /* make a new hashref and bless it */ h = newHV(); diskref = newRV_noinc((SV *)h); if (!diskclass_stash) { diskclass_stash = gv_stashpv(diskclass, GV_ADD); } sv_bless(diskref, diskclass_stash); hv_store_const(h, "name", safe_newSVpv(dp->name)); hv_store_const(h, "device", safe_newSVpv(dp->device)); hv_store_const(h, "spindle", newSViv(dp->spindle)); hv_store_const(h, "config", SvREFCNT_inc( SWIG_NewPointerObj(lookup_dumptype(dp->dtype_name), /* can't use $descriptor here.. */ SWIGTYPE_p_dumptype_t, 0))); /* create an uplink ref to the host object */ hostref = get_host(hosts, hostclass, ifaces, ifaceclass, dp); SvREFCNT_inc(hostref); hv_store_const(h, "host", hostref); /* and store this disk in the two-level %disks hash */ svp = hv_fetch(disks, dp->hostname, strlen(dp->hostname), 1); if (!SvOK(*svp)) { /* make a new hash for this host */ SV *href; h = newHV(); href = newRV_noinc((SV *)h); sv_setsv(*svp, href); } else { g_assert(SvROK(*svp)); g_assert(SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) == SVt_PVHV); h = (HV *)SvRV(*svp); } g_assert(SvROK(*svp)); g_assert(SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) == SVt_PVHV); SvREFCNT_inc(diskref); hv_store(h, dp->name, strlen(dp->name), diskref, 0); } /* free_disklist frees the globals, too, which is not what we want. * So this leaks memory. */ /* free_disklist(&list); */ return 0; } %} %perlcode %{ package Amanda::Disklist::Disk; # methods package Amanda::Disklist::Host; sub get_disk { my ($self, $disk) = @_; return $Amanda::Disklist::disks{$self->{'hostname'}}{$disk}; } sub all_disks { my ($self) = @_; return values %{$Amanda::Disklist::disks{$self->{'hostname'}}}; } package Amanda::Disklist::Interface; # methods package Amanda::Disklist; our (%disks, %hosts, %interfaces); sub read_disklist { my %params = @_; return read_disklist_internal( ($params{filename} or config_dir_relative(getconf($CNF_DISKFILE))), \%disks, ($params{disk_class} or "Amanda::Disklist::Disk"), \%hosts, ($params{host_class} or "Amanda::Disklist::Host"), \%interfaces, ($params{interface_class} or "Amanda::Disklist::Interface"), ); } sub get_host { my ($hostname) = @_; return $hosts{$hostname}; } sub all_hosts { return values %hosts; } sub get_disk { my ($hostname, $diskname) = @_; return $disks{$hostname}->{$diskname}; } sub all_disks { my @rv; foreach my $disk (values %disks) { push @rv, (values %$disk); } return @rv; } sub get_interface { my ($interfacename) = @_; return $interfaces{$interfacename}; } sub all_interfaces { return values %interfaces; } push @EXPORT_OK, qw( read_disklist get_host all_hosts get_disk all_disks get_interface all_interfaces); %} char *clean_dle_str_for_client(char *dle_str, am_feature_t *their_features);