Contains JAR files for FreeTTS JSAPI 1.0 specification implementation - FreeTTS requires an implementation of the JSAPI 1.0 specification. The JSAPI 1.0 specification implementation (i.e., the javax.speech.* classes) is not available under a BSD-style license. Instead, we are making the binaries available under a separate binary code license. Unix Systems - This distribution includes a self-extracting shell archive containing the jsapi.jar file. If you are running under Linux or the SolarisTM Operating Environment, (or any other system that supports sh) follow these instructions: 1. Go to the FreeTTS/lib directory 2. Type sh ./ 3. If the binary license agreement is acceptable, accept it by typing "y". The jsapi.jar file will be unpacked and deposited into the lib directory. Win32 - This distribution includes an installer program containing the jsapi.jar file. If you are running on a Win32 Operating system follow these instructions: 1. Go to the FreeTTS/lib directory 2. Type .\jsapi.exe 3. If the binary license agreement is acceptable, accept it by clicking "I Agree". The jsapi.jar file will be unpacked and deposited into the lib directory.