Class Durator

  extended bycom.sun.speech.freetts.cart.Durator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Durator
extends java.lang.Object
implements UtteranceProcessor

Determines duration timing for Relation.SEGMENT relations in an utterance. Annotates the Relation.SEGMENT relation with an "end" time feature.

[[[TODO: The mean words-per-minute rate should become part of the CART data. For now, it is passed into the constructor.]]]

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  CART cart
          The CART used for this duration UtteranceProcessor.
protected  PhoneDurations durations
          The PhoneDurations used for this duration UtteranceProcessor.
Constructor Summary
Durator(CART cart, float meanRate, PhoneDurations durations)
          Creates a new duration UtteranceProcessor with the given CART and phone durations.
Method Summary
 void processUtterance(Utterance utterance)
          Annotates the Relation.SEGMENT relations with cumulative "end" time features based on phone durations.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final CART cart
The CART used for this duration UtteranceProcessor. It is passed into the constructor.


protected final PhoneDurations durations
The PhoneDurations used for this duration UtteranceProcessor. It is passed into the constructor.

Constructor Detail


public Durator(CART cart,
               float meanRate,
               PhoneDurations durations)
Creates a new duration UtteranceProcessor with the given CART and phone durations.

cart - contains zscore duration data
meanRate - the mean words per minute rate of the CART data
durations - contains mean and standard deviation phone durations
Method Detail


public void processUtterance(Utterance utterance)
                      throws ProcessException
Annotates the Relation.SEGMENT relations with cumulative "end" time features based on phone durations. Expects the CART to return a zscore for each phone, which specifies the number of standard deviations from the mean. This is coupled with a phone durations table that returns the mean and standard deviation for phones.

Specified by:
processUtterance in interface UtteranceProcessor
utterance - the utterance to process
ProcessException - if a problem is encountered during the processing of the utterance


public java.lang.String toString()