Class JavaClipAudioPlayer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JavaClipAudioPlayer
extends java.lang.Object
implements AudioPlayer

Provides an implementation of AudioPlayer that creates javax.sound.sampled audio clips and outputs them via the javax.sound API. The interface provides a highly reliable audio output package. Since audio is batched and not sent to the audio layer until an entire utterance has been processed, this player has higher latency (50 msecs for a typical 4 second utterance).

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a default JavaClipAudioPlayer
Method Summary
 void begin(int size)
          Starts the output of a set of data.
 void cancel()
          Cancels all queued audio.
 void close()
          Closes this audio player [[[ WORKAROUND TODO The javax.sound.sampled drain is almost working properly.
 boolean drain()
          Waits for all queued audio to be played
 boolean end()
          Marks the end a set of data.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat getAudioFormat()
          Retrieves the audio format for this player
 long getTime()
          Returns the current position in the output stream since the last resetTime Currently not supported.
 float getVolume()
          Returns the current volume.
 void pause()
          Pauses audio output.
 void reset()
          Prepares for another batch of output.
 void resetTime()
          Resets the time for this audio stream to zero
 void resume()
          Resumes playing audio after a pause.
 void setAudioFormat(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat format)
          Sets the audio format for this player
 void setVolume(float volume)
          Sets the current volume.
 void showMetrics()
          Shows metrics for this audio player
 void startFirstSampleTimer()
          Starts the first sample timer
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns the name of this audio player
 boolean write(byte[] audioData)
          Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
 boolean write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
          Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JavaClipAudioPlayer()
Constructs a default JavaClipAudioPlayer

Method Detail


public void setAudioFormat(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat format)
Sets the audio format for this player

Specified by:
setAudioFormat in interface AudioPlayer
format - the audio format
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the line cannot be opened with the given format


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat getAudioFormat()
Retrieves the audio format for this player

Specified by:
getAudioFormat in interface AudioPlayer
format the audio format


public void pause()
Pauses audio output. All audio output is stopped. Output can be resumed at the current point by calling resume. Output can be aborted by calling cancel

Specified by:
pause in interface AudioPlayer


public void resume()
Resumes playing audio after a pause.

Specified by:
resume in interface AudioPlayer


public void cancel()
Cancels all queued audio. Any 'write' in process will return immediately false.

Specified by:
cancel in interface AudioPlayer


public void reset()
Prepares for another batch of output. Larger groups of output (such as all output associated with a single FreeTTSSpeakable) should be grouped between a reset/drain pair.

Specified by:
reset in interface AudioPlayer


public boolean drain()
Waits for all queued audio to be played

Specified by:
drain in interface AudioPlayer
true if the write completed successfully, false if the write was cancelled.


public void close()
Closes this audio player [[[ WORKAROUND TODO The javax.sound.sampled drain is almost working properly. On linux, there is still a little bit of sound that needs to go out, even after drain is called. Thus, the drainDelay. We wait for a few hundred milliseconds while the data is really drained out of the system ]]]

Specified by:
close in interface AudioPlayer


public float getVolume()
Returns the current volume.

Specified by:
getVolume in interface AudioPlayer
the current volume (between 0 and 1)


public void setVolume(float volume)
Sets the current volume.

Specified by:
setVolume in interface AudioPlayer
volume - the current volume (between 0 and 1)


public long getTime()
Returns the current position in the output stream since the last resetTime Currently not supported.

Specified by:
getTime in interface AudioPlayer
the position in the audio stream in milliseconds


public void resetTime()
Resets the time for this audio stream to zero

Specified by:
resetTime in interface AudioPlayer


public void begin(int size)
Starts the output of a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be grouped between begin/end pairs.

Specified by:
begin in interface AudioPlayer
size - the size of data between now and the end


public boolean end()
Marks the end a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be grouped between begin/end pairs.

Specified by:
end in interface AudioPlayer
true if the audio was output properly, false if the output was canceled or interrupted.


public boolean write(byte[] audioData)
Writes the given bytes to the audio stream

Specified by:
write in interface AudioPlayer
audioData - audio data to write to the device
true if the write completed successfully, false if the write was cancelled.


public boolean write(byte[] bytes,
                     int offset,
                     int size)
Writes the given bytes to the audio stream

Specified by:
write in interface AudioPlayer
bytes - audio data to write to the device
offset - the offset into the buffer
size - the size into the buffer
true if the write completed successfully, false if the write was canceled.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns the name of this audio player

the name of the audio player


public void showMetrics()
Shows metrics for this audio player

Specified by:
showMetrics in interface AudioPlayer


public void startFirstSampleTimer()
Starts the first sample timer

Specified by:
startFirstSampleTimer in interface AudioPlayer