Interface AudioPlayer

All Known Implementing Classes:
JavaClipAudioPlayer, JavaStreamingAudioPlayer, MultiFile8BitAudioPlayer, MultiFileAudioPlayer, NullAudioPlayer, RawFileAudioPlayer, SingleFileAudioPlayer

public interface AudioPlayer

Provides an interface to the audio system for use by freetts. Audio is presented to the AudioPlayer as byte arrays. Implementations of this AudioPlayer interface will format the data based upon the current audio format (as set by setAudioFormat) and output the data.

The AudioPlayer interface provides a set of potential synchronization points to allow a specific AudioPlayer to batch output in various ways.

These synchronization points are in pairs: reset, drain are used to bracket output of large amounts of audio data. Typically, an implementation will not return from drain until all queued audio has been played (or cancelled).

The methods: begin, end are used to bracket smaller amounts of audio data (typically associated with a single utterance).

Threading Issues

Most of the methods in an AudioPlayer must be called from a single thread. The only exceptions to this rule are pause, resume, cancel, showMetrics, close, getTime, resetTime which can be called from other threads.

Method Summary
 void begin(int size)
          Starts the output of a set of data.
 void cancel()
          Cancels all queued output.
 void close()
          Waits for all audio playback to stop, and closes this AudioPlayer.
 boolean drain()
          Waits for all queued audio to be played
 boolean end()
          Signals the end of a set of data.
 javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat getAudioFormat()
          Retrieves the audio format for this player
 long getTime()
          Gets the amount of audio played since the last resetTime
 float getVolume()
          Returns the current volume.
 void pause()
          Pauses all audio output on this player.
 void reset()
          Prepares for another batch of output.
 void resetTime()
          Resets the audio clock
 void resume()
          Resumes audio output on this player
 void setAudioFormat(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat format)
          Sets the audio format to use for the next set of outputs.
 void setVolume(float volume)
          Sets the current volume.
 void showMetrics()
          Shows metrics for this audio player
 void startFirstSampleTimer()
          Starts the first sample timer
 boolean write(byte[] audioData)
          Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
 boolean write(byte[] audioData, int offset, int size)
          Writes the given bytes to the audio stream

Method Detail


public void setAudioFormat(javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat format)
Sets the audio format to use for the next set of outputs. Since an audio player can be shared by a number of voices, and since voices can have different AudioFormats (sample rates for example), it is necessary to allow clients to dynamically set the audio format for the player.

format - the audio format


public javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat getAudioFormat()
Retrieves the audio format for this player

the current audio format


public void pause()
Pauses all audio output on this player. Play can be resumed with a call to resume


public void resume()
Resumes audio output on this player


public void reset()
Prepares for another batch of output. Larger groups of output (such as all output associated with a single FreeTTSSpeakable) should be grouped between a reset/drain pair.


public boolean drain()
Waits for all queued audio to be played

true if the audio played to completion; otherwise false if the audio was stopped


public void begin(int size)
Starts the output of a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be grouped between begin/end pairs.

size - the size of data in bytes to be output before end is called.


public boolean end()
Signals the end of a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be groupd between begin/end pairs.

true if the audio was output properly, false if the output was canceled or interrupted.


public void cancel()
Cancels all queued output. All 'write' calls until the next reset will return false.


public void close()
Waits for all audio playback to stop, and closes this AudioPlayer.


public float getVolume()
Returns the current volume. The volume is specified as a number between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is the maximum volume and 0.0 is the minimum volume.

the current volume (between 0 and 1)


public void setVolume(float volume)
Sets the current volume. The volume is specified as a number between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is the maximum volume and 0.0 is the minimum volume.

volume - the new volume (between 0 and 1)


public long getTime()
Gets the amount of audio played since the last resetTime

the amount of audio in milliseconds


public void resetTime()
Resets the audio clock


public void startFirstSampleTimer()
Starts the first sample timer


public boolean write(byte[] audioData)
Writes the given bytes to the audio stream

audioData - audio data to write to the device
true of the write completed successfully, false if the write was cancelled.


public boolean write(byte[] audioData,
                     int offset,
                     int size)
Writes the given bytes to the audio stream

audioData - audio data to write to the device
offset - the offset into the buffer
size - the number of bytes to write.
true of the write completed successfully, false if the write was cancelled.


public void showMetrics()
Shows metrics for this audio player