Some of the implementation choices ---------------------------------- gbz80: Load from direct space: Alternatives: 1. Via HL ld hl,#dir ld x,(hl) inc hl ld y,(hl) 2. Via a ld a,(dir) ld x,a ld a,(dir+1) ld x,a 1 is bad when x or y involve HL (1b) 8 16 32 1 = 12 + n*(8+8) - 8 20 36 68 1b = n*(12+12+8) 32 64 128 2 = n*(16+4) 20 40 80 So choose 2. Hmm. (2) is too hard to support in the current model. On stack word push 1. lda hl,x(sp) ld a,(hl+) ld h,(hl) ld l,a push hl 2. lda hl,x(sp) ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) 1 = d + 8 + 8 + 4 2 = d + 8 + 8 + 8