1 Add a 'timeout' command to adjust the timeout (timeout will be in seconds!). 1 Adjust timeout lenghts for various operations now that the low level SCSI routines now support timeouts. 1 Add IES command (sets CDB[5] to something in routine Inventory() ). 1 Increase the timeout for Inventory() commands to something *BIG*. 1 Fix 'scsitape' READ and WRITE so that block counts work. 2 Fix ports to other Unixes/VMS. 2 Port to AIX (no longer care about SCO Unix). 2 Add a range to 'mtx status' so that we request status only of the elements we're interested in, rather than of all of them. (nice for the very big loaders!). 3 Better Import/Export port support? 3 Create a TCL/TK GUI front end (otherwise managing big libraries is HARD!).