Greenhouse Shield for Arduino Copyright 2010 by Bdale Garbee, released under the TAPR Open Hardware License This is a board my son Robert is building to monitor and control conditions in our back yard greenhouse. The objective is a "shield" for an Arduino Duemilanove board, with the following features: - temperature sensor MCP9700A - light sensor PDV-P9007 - humidity sensor HCH-1000 + TLC555 - i2c real-time clock DS1307 - i2c non-volatile memory for data logging 24AA1025 - 4 relay-switched mains (110 volt AC) - electric heater (high current!) - electric fan - hydroponics pump - spare - spi TeleDongle interface for RF link The idea is that we log temperature, light, and humidity every so often to the non-volatile memory with timestamps. On each sample, we check current conditions and turn the heater on if it's too cold, and the fan on if it's too hot. The hydroponics pump gets turned on and off on a regular schedule. And the RF link provides a mechanism for remotely downloading the logged data, changing setpoints and schedules, manual override, etc.