# Why is the pyro "on time" of your products only 50 milliseconds? Altus Metrum flight computers are designed for use with low-current e-matches. The e-matches available for use in the rocketry hobby are mostly designed for use in the fireworks industry, where it's an advantage to retain continuity after firing to allow series strings of matches to be fired on a high-voltage DC ignition system. The problem this poses for us is that it means battery drain continues for the entire on-interval, even after the pyro device fires. Since many of our products include radio transmitters necessary for helping to find the rocket after flight, "using up" the battery during pyro events limits the time available to locate and recover the rocket after flight. So, our goal is to balance "enough time to be sure we fire the pyro" against "so long we're just running the battery down". In bench testing some years ago, we measured an average firing time of about 13 microseconds for commercial e-matches using a fully charged single-cell LiPo battery. That led us to choose 50 milliseconds on-time. In practice, this has worked out brilliantly for more than a decade. # Can I change the pyro channel "on time" to something longer? On all Altus Metrum products, the dedicated apogee and main channels use a fixed 50 millisecond firing interval that can only be changed by modifying the firmware. On products with programmable channels like TeleMega, EasyMega, and EasyTimer, the programmable channels can have the "on time" set to whatever you want.