2 # ------------- Begin Post Install Functions -----------------
3 # These functions are included by various different installers.
5 # We assume that the following variables are defined in the main script:
6 # amanda_user: the amanda account username
7 # amanda_group: the amanda account's group
8 # AMANDAHOMEDIR: a directory to use as amanda's home
9 # dist: used on linux for the distro.
10 # install_log: a log file we append to
11 # os: Linux, Mac, Solaris, etc...
12 # SYSCONFDIR: location of system config files (ie, /etc)
13 # LOGDIR: logging directory for amanda
15 #TODO: gnutar-lists dir for solaris??
18 # Only needed on Solaris!
19 entry="amanda 10080/tcp # amanda backup services"
20 # make sure amanda is in /etc/services
21 if [ -z "`grep 'amanda' /${SYSCONFDIR}/services |grep '10080/tcp'`" ] ; then
22 logger "Adding amanda entry to /${SYSCONFDIR}/services."
23 echo "${entry}" >> /${SYSCONFDIR}/services
26 # make sure kamanda is in /etc/services
27 entry_2="amanda 10081/tcp famdc # amanda backup services (kerberos)"
28 if [ -z "`grep 'kamanda' /etc/services |grep '10081/tcp'`" ] ; then
29 logger "Adding kamanda entry to /${SYSCONFDIR}/services."
30 echo "${entry_2}" >> /${SYSCONFDIR}/services
35 logger "Creating ${AMANDATES}."
36 if [ ! -f ${AMANDATES} ] ; then
37 touch ${AMANDATES} || { logger "WARNING: Could not create Amandates." ; return 1; }
42 logger "Ensuring correct permissions for '${AMANDATES}'."
43 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMANDATES} || \
44 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown ${AMANDATES}" ; return 1; }
45 log_output_of chmod 0640 ${AMANDATES} || \
46 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix perms on ${AMANDATES}" ; return 1; }
47 if [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] ; then
48 log_output_of /sbin/restorecon ${AMANDATES} || \
49 { logger "WARNING: restorecon execution failed." ; return 1; }
54 # Install .gnupg directory
55 if [ ! -d ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg ] ; then
56 logger "Creating '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg'"
57 log_output_of mkdir ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg || \
58 { logger "WARNING: Could not create .gnupg dir" ; return 1; }
63 logger "Ensuring correct permissions for '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg'."
64 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg || \
65 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown .gnupg dir." ; return 1; }
66 log_output_of chmod 700 ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.gnupg || \
67 { logger "WARNING: Could not set permissions on .gnupg dir." ; return 1; }
70 create_amandahosts() {
71 # Install .amandahosts to server
72 if [ ! -f ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts ] ; then
73 logger "Creating ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts"
74 log_output_of touch ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts || \
75 { logger "WARNING: Could not create .amandahosts file." ; return 1; }
79 check_amandahosts_entry() {
80 # Entries for client and server differ slightly
81 # $1 username (root, ${amanda_user})
82 # subsequent parameters are a list of programs to check (amindexd
83 # amidxtaped, or amdump)
84 logger "Checking '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts' for '${@}' entries."
85 # Generate our grep expression
88 expr=${expr}"[[:blank:]]\+${prog}"
90 for host in localhost localhost.localdomain ; do
91 logger "Searching .amandahosts for ^${host}${expr}"
92 if `grep "^${host}${expr}" ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts >> /dev/null` ; then
95 add_amandahosts_entry ${host} ${@}
100 add_amandahosts_entry() {
101 # Add entries to amandahosts.
102 # $@ is a fully formatted entry for amandahosts
103 logger "Appending '${@}' to amandahosts"
104 echo "${@}" >>${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts || \
105 { logger "WARNING: Could not append to .amandahosts" ; return 1; }
108 check_amandahosts_perms() {
109 logger "Ensuring correct permissions on .amandahosts"
110 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts || \
111 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown .amandahosts." ; return 1; }
112 log_output_of chmod 0600 ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.amandahosts || \
113 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix permissions on .amandahosts" ; return 1; }
117 # SSH RSA key generation for amdump and amrecover
118 # $1 must be "server" or "client"
120 if [ $1 = "server" ] ; then
121 KEYFILE="id_rsa_amdump"
122 elif [ $1 = "client" ] ; then
123 KEYFILE="id_rsa_amrecover"
125 logger "Bad parameter to create_ssh_key" ; return 1
127 COMMENT="${amanda_user}@$1"
128 if [ ! -d ${KEYDIR} ] ; then
129 if [ -f ${KEYDIR} ] ; then
130 logger "Directory '${KEYDIR}' exists as a file. Renaming to '${KEYDIR}.save'."
131 log_output_of mv ${KEYDIR} ${KEYDIR}.save || \
132 { logger "WARNING: Could not backup old .ssh directory." ; return 1; }
134 logger "Creating directory '${KEYDIR}'."
135 log_output_of mkdir ${KEYDIR} || \
136 { logger "WARNING: Could not create .ssh dir." ; return 1; }
138 if [ ! -f ${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE} ] ; then
139 logger "Creating ssh RSA key in '${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE}'"
140 log_output_of ssh-keygen -q -C $COMMENT -t rsa -f ${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE} -N '' || \
141 { logger "WARNING: Error generating ssh key" ; return 1; }
143 logger "Setting ownership and permissions for '${KEYDIR}' and '${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE}*'"
144 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${KEYDIR} ${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE}* || \
145 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown one of ${KEYDIR} or ${KEYFILE}"; return 1; }
146 log_output_of chmod 0750 ${KEYDIR} || \
147 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix permissions on ${KEYDIR}"; return 1; }
148 log_output_of chmod 0600 ${KEYDIR}/${KEYFILE}* || \
149 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix permissions on ${KEYFILE}"; return 1; }
153 # environment variables (~${amanda_user}/.profile)
154 logger "Checking for '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile'."
155 if [ ! -f ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile ] ; then
156 log_output_of touch ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile || \
157 { logger "WARNING: Could not create .profile" ; return 1; }
162 logger "Checking for ${SBINDIR} in path statement."
163 if [ -z "`grep PATH.*${SBINDIR} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile`" ] ; then
164 echo "PATH=\"\$PATH:${SBINDIR}\"" >>${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile || \
165 { logger "WARNING: Could not append to .profile" ; return 1; }
166 echo "export PATH" >>${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile
170 sun_paths=/opt/csw/bin:/usr/ucb
171 if [ -z "`grep PATH ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile | grep ${sun_paths}`" ] ; then
172 echo "PATH=\"$PATH:${SBINDIR}:${sun_paths}\"" >>${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile
176 logger "Setting ownership and permissions for '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile'"
177 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile || \
178 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown .profile." ; return 1; }
179 log_output_of chmod 0640 ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.profile || \
180 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix permissions on .profile" ; return 1; }
183 install_client_conf() {
184 # Install client config
185 if [ "$os" = "SunOS" ] ; then
186 install="install -m 0600 -u ${amanda_user} -g ${amanda_group}"
188 install="install -m 0600 -o ${amanda_user} -g ${amanda_group}"
190 logger "Checking '${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/amanda-client.conf' file."
191 if [ ! -f ${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/amanda-client.conf ] ; then
192 logger "Installing amanda-client.conf."
193 log_output_of ${install} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/example/amanda-client.conf \
194 ${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/ || \
195 { logger "WARNING: Could not install amanda-client.conf" ; return 1; }
197 logger "Note: ${SYSCONFDIR}/amanda/amanda-client.conf exists. Please check ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/example/amanda-client.conf for updates."
201 create_ampassphrase() {
202 # install am_passphrase file to server
203 logger "Checking '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase' file."
204 if [ ! -f ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase ] ; then
205 logger "Create '${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase' file."
206 log_output_of touch ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase || \
207 { logger "WARNING: Could not create .am_passphrase." ; return 1; }
208 phrase=`echo $RANDOM | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'` || \
209 { logger "WARNING: Error creating pseudo random passphrase." ; return 1; }
210 echo ${phrase} >>${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase
212 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase || \
213 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown .am_passphrase" ; return 1; }
214 log_output_of chmod 0600 ${AMANDAHOMEDIR}/.am_passphrase || \
215 { logger "WARNING: Could not fix permissions on .am_passphrase" ; return 1; }
221 # Check for existence of and permissions on ${AMTMP}
222 logger "Checking for '${AMTMP}' dir."
223 if [ ! -d ${AMTMP} ]; then
224 logger "Create '${AMTMP}' dir."
225 log_output_of mkdir ${AMTMP} || \
226 { logger "WARNING: Could not create ${AMTMP}." ; return 1; }
227 log_output_of chown ${amanda_user}:${amanda_group} ${AMTMP} || \
228 { logger "WARNING: Could not chown ${AMTMP}" ; return 1; }
232 # ------------- End Post Install Functions -----------------