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[debian/freetts] / javadoc / com / sun / speech / freetts / en / package-frame.html
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6 <TITLE>\r
7 com.sun.speech.freetts.en (FreeTTS 1.2)\r
8 </TITLE>\r
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10 <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="com.sun.speech.freetts.en package">\r
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18 <FONT size="+1" CLASS="FrameTitleFont">\r
19 <A HREF="../../../../../com/sun/speech/freetts/en/package-summary.html" target="classFrame">com.sun.speech.freetts.en</A></FONT>
20 <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" SUMMARY="">\r
21 <TR>\r
22 <TD NOWRAP><FONT size="+1" CLASS="FrameHeadingFont">\r
23 Classes</FONT>&nbsp;\r
24 <FONT CLASS="FrameItemFont">\r
25 <BR>\r
26 <A HREF="ContourGenerator.html" title="class in com.sun.speech.freetts.en" target="classFrame">ContourGenerator</A>\r
27 <BR>\r
28 <A HREF="PartOfSpeechTagger.html" title="class in com.sun.speech.freetts.en" target="classFrame">PartOfSpeechTagger</A>\r
29 <BR>\r
30 <A HREF="PauseGenerator.html" title="class in com.sun.speech.freetts.en" target="classFrame">PauseGenerator</A>\r
31 <BR>\r
32 <A HREF="PostLexicalAnalyzer.html" title="class in com.sun.speech.freetts.en" target="classFrame">PostLexicalAnalyzer</A>\r
33 <BR>\r
34 <A HREF="TokenizerImpl.html" title="class in com.sun.speech.freetts.en" target="classFrame">TokenizerImpl</A></FONT></TD>\r
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